Nuvei supports transactions with cards that can be used with a global card scheme and with a national card scheme or network. For example, in Belgium, Bancontact cards that are co-badged with Visa or with Mastercard/Maestro.
Card Scheme Transaction Type Support
Visa | Mastercard | Bancontact (Belgium) | |
Sale | |||
Auth | |||
Pre-Authorization | |||
Zero Authorization | |||
Void | |||
Refund | |||
Payout | |||
OCT | |||
If the national card scheme does not support the transaction type, Nuvei automatically processes the transaction with the global scheme. Also, for example, Bancontact can only process transactions in EUR.
The following Nuvei integration methods support co-badged card transactions:
For test card data, see Testing Cards.
Payment (Deposit) Flow
Follow these steps to perform a payment with a co-badged card using Nuvei REST API integration:
1. Generate a sessionToken
Press here for details.
2. Render a Payment Form
Render a form on the merchant’s payment page that collects card details.
Send a /getCardDetails
API request. If the response includes secondaryBrand
, allow the user to select the brand with which to process the payment. If the merchant is using 3D-Secure authentication values received from an external MPI (3rd-Party) provider, do not allow the user to select a brand.
If the user chooses an existing UPO associated with a co-badged card, allow the user to change the preferred brand.
3. (Optional) Initialize 3D-Secure
Send an /initPayment
request with its mandatory parameters and either full card details or an existing UPO. In either case, include the paymentOption.card
block with selectedBrand
. Make sure the selectedBrand
supports the specified currency
Example /initPayment
Request – Full Card Details
{ "sessionToken": "<sessionToken from /getSessionToken>", "merchantId": "<your merchantId>", "merchantSiteId": "<your merchantSiteId>", "userTokenId": "<unique customer identifier in your system>", "clientRequestId": "<unique request ID in merchant system>", "clientUniqueId": "<unique transaction ID in merchant system>", "currency": "EUR", "amount": "200", "paymentOption": { "card": { "cardNumber": "<Co-badged Bancontact card number>", "cardHolderName": "CL-BRW1", "expirationMonth": "12", "expirationYear": "2030", "CVV": "217", "selectedBrand": "Bancontact", "threeD": { "methodNotificationUrl": "<methodNotificationURL>" } } }, "deviceDetails": { "ipAddress": "<customer's IP address>" } }
The response includes processedBrand
Example /initPayment
{ "orderId": "276984098", "userTokenId": "<unique customer identifier in your system>", "transactionId": "1110000000011280648", "transactionType": "InitAuth3D", "transactionStatus": "APPROVED", "gwErrorCode": 0, "gwExtendedErrorCode": 0, "paymentOption": { "card": { "ccCardNumber": "4****0961", "bin": "400002", "last4Digits": "0961", "ccExpMonth": "12", "ccExpYear": "30", "cardType": "Credit", "issuerCountry": "BE", "processedBrand": "Bancontact", "threeD": { "methodUrl": "https://3dsn.sandbox.nuvei.com/ThreeDSMethod/api/ThreeDSMethod/threeDSMethodURL", "version": "2.1.0", "v2supported": "true", "methodPayload": "eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6IjMzY2I0ODA0LTA0YmQtNDRhOC1hNmYzLTIxMjRmMDUwM2M3MSIsInRocmVlRFNNZXRob2ROb3RpZmljYXRpb25VUkwiOiJ3d3cuVGhpc0lzQU1ldGhvZE5vdGlmaWNhdGlvblVSTC5jb20ifQ==", "directoryServerId": "A000000003", "directoryServerPublicKey": "rsa;MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAst+HGfPPsX3p6HHEQ9YzourlQj16Nscmm13Cp7cZe4dZB2oWnJqZ7oh/pEoEoOAxBw1x4NFgXKTKdHAeu3VBNVw8SwMTdIC+X16VV+3VIyPbUvJXFp3QoR8WUwPB3F1Lb9SMFNS95boYDZKIOdPW0cP1dRi7pFugsBUZDCP/H3nFfBFHMCBoga+P3AHGj5y8RVpv0hS9jaIsYjX+i58B61OGCB7D0AiADNZJuFzw2+xpNkt6NJJF66FPO8qIh8xR2xGVDf7TtCbss/CugLRgSqKab9YRB8/TBTcy5bxj6O8HD6aL2zGLcMY9dCobXxCodLEtMjJdVL8N+iZrsI2gtwIDAQAB", "serverTransId": "33cb4804-04bd-44a8-a6f3-2124f0503c71" } } }, "customData": "", "sessionToken": "3b2126a2-6778-4214-a8c4-269915d5b1e4", "internalRequestId": 234842078, "status": "SUCCESS", "errCode": 0, "reason": "", "merchantId": "427583496191624621", "merchantSiteId": "142033", "version": "1.0", "clientRequestId": "20210125143714" }
4. Send a /payment
Send a /payment
request with its mandatory parameters and either full card details or an existing UPO. In either case, include the paymentOption.card
block and paymentOption.card.selectedBrand
Example /payment
Request – Full Card Details for 3D-Secure v2
{ "sessionToken": "<sessionToken from /getSessionToken>", "merchantId": "<your merchantId>", "merchantSiteId": "<your merchantSiteId>", "clientRequestId": "<unique request ID in merchant system>", "amount": "200", "currency": "EUR", "userTokenId": "<unique customer identifier in merchant system>", "clientUniqueId": "<unique transaction ID in merchant system>", "paymentOption": { "card": { "cardNumber": "<Bancontact co-badged card number>", "cardHolderName": "CL-BRW1", "expirationMonth": "12", "expirationYear": "2030" "selectedBrand": "Bancontact", "threeD": { "methodCompletionInd": "Y", "version": "2.1.0", "notificationURL": "<notificationURL>", "merchantURL": "<merchantURL>", "platformType": "02", "v2AdditionalParams": { "challengeWindowSize": "05" }, "browserDetails": { "acceptHeader": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml", "ip": "", "javaEnabled": "TRUE", "javaScriptEnabled": "TRUE", "language": "EN", "colorDepth": "48", "screenHeight": "400", "screenWidth": "600", "timeZone": "0", "userAgent": "Mozilla" } } } }, "relatedTransactionId": "<transactionId returned from initPayment>", "billingAddress": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "country": "BE", "email": "[email protected]" }, "deviceDetails": { "ipAddress": "<customer's IP address>" }, "userDetails": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address": "22 Main Street", "city": "Brussels", "country": "BE", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "323094526617", "zip": "1000", "dateOfBirth": "2000-06-30", "gender": "Male" }, "timeStamp": "<YYYYMMDDHHmmss>", "checksum": "<calculated checksum>" }
The response includes processedBrand
Example /payment
{ "internalRequestId": 80296351849, "status": "SUCCESS", "errCode": 0, "reason": "", "merchantId": "5555385017539610145", "merchantSiteId": "288139", "version": "1.0", "clientRequestId": "Pay1-0722.182826", "sessionToken": "9f3ab64d-2fd9-478d-9b82-abf24fe5a13e", "clientUniqueId": "Pay-0722.1828", "orderId": "65168189559", "userTokenId": "Kc-01", "paymentOption": { "userPaymentOptionId": "4358108418", "card": { "ccCardNumber": "6****6004", "bin": "670307", "last4Digits": "6004", "ccExpMonth": "12", "ccExpYear": "30", "acquirerId": "512", "cvv2Reply": "", "avsCode": "", "cardType": "Debit", "cardBrand": "VISA", "issuerBankName": "BELFIUS BANK N.V. / BELFIUS BA", "issuerCountry": "BE", "processedBrand": "Bancontact", "isPrepaid": "false" } }, "transactionStatus": "REDIRECT", "gwErrorCode": 0, "gwExtendedErrorCode": 0, "issuerDeclineCode": "", "issuerDeclineReason": "", "transactionType": "Auth3D", "transactionId": "1120000001657324139", "externalTransactionId": "", "authCode": "", "customData": "", "externalSchemeTransactionId": "", "merchantAdviceCode": "" }
After the transaction is processed, Nuvei sends a Direct Merchant Notification (DMN) to urlDetails.notificationUrl
, which Nuvei recommends including in the /payment
request. The DMN includes secondaryCardBrand
, selectedCardBrand
, and processedCardBrand
Example Payment DMN for Co-badged Card
Merchant-Initiated Transactions (MITs)
- If Nuvei is processing the initial MIT, the merchant provides
in the/initPayment
requests. - If Nuvei is processing a subsequent MIT transaction and also processed the initial transaction, the merchant does not need to provide
in the subsequent transaction. - If another payment service provider (PSP) processed the initial transaction, the card scheme determines whether Nuvei can process a subsequent MIT transaction. For example, Bancontact does not support Nuvei processing a subsequent MIT transaction when another PSP processed the initial transaction.
For more information about MITs, see Merchant-Initiated Transactions (MITs).
Payout (Withdrawal) Flow
Follow these steps to perform a payout with a co-badged card using Nuvei REST API integration:
1. Render a Payout Form
Render a form on the merchant’s payout page that collects card details.
Send a /getCardDetails
API request. If the response includes a secondaryBrand
, allow the user to select the brand with which to process the payout.
If the user chooses an existing UPO associated with a co-badged card, allow the user to change the preferred brand.
2. Send a /payout
Send a /payout
request with its mandatory parameters and either full card details or an existing UPO. In either case, include the cardData
block and cardData.selectedBrand
Example /payout
Request – Full Card Details
{ "merchantId": "<your merchantId>", "merchantSiteId": "<your merchantSiteId>", "userTokenId": "<unique user identifier in merchant system>", "clientUniqueId": "<unique transaction ID in merchant system>", "clientRequestId": "<unique request ID in merchant system>", "amount": "200", "currency": "EUR", "cardData": { "cardNumber": "<Bancontact co-badged card number>", "cardHolderName": "CL-BRW1", "expirationMonth": "12", "expirationYear": "2030" "selectedBrand": "Bancontact" }, "deviceDetails": { "ipAddress": "<customer's IP address>" }, "timeStamp": "<YYYYMMDDHHmmss>", "checksum": "<calculated checksum>" }
The response includes processedBrand
Example /payout
{ "userTokenId": "EV013", "clientUniqueId": "20230329125742", "transactionStatus": "APPROVED", "gwErrorCode": 0, "gwExtendedErrorCode": 0, "userPaymentOptionId": "80244118", "externalTransactionId": "", "transactionId": "711000000021780909", "cardData": { "acquirerId": "19", "visaDirect": "NO", "processedBrand": "Bancontact" }, "internalRequestId": 639118498, "status": "SUCCESS", "errCode": 0, "reason": "", "merchantId": "979047831696752006", "merchantSiteId": "217268", "version": "1.0" }
After the transaction is processed, Nuvei sends a Direct Merchant Notification (DMN) to urlDetails.notificationUrl
, which Nuvei recommends including in the /payout
request. The DMN includes secondaryCardBrand
, selectedCardBrand
, and processedCardBrand
Example Payout DMN for Co-badged Card
Additional API Methods
These API methods support paymentOption.card.selectedBrand
– See 3DS MPI-Only REST implementation./refundTransaction
– Nuvei supports co-badged cards for Unreferenced Refunds.
Responses to these methods support processedBrand
and DMNs for them support secondaryCardBrand
, selectedCardBrand
, and processedCardBrand
Web SDK with Nuvei Fields Payments
To perform a payment with a co-badged card using Nuvei Web SDK with Nuvei Fields integration:
- After a user selects card payment and enters a card number, send a
getCardDetails ()
Web SDK method request. If the response includessecondaryBrand
, allow the user to select the brand with which to process the payment. - If the user selects an existing UPO associated with a co-badged card, allow the user to change the preferred brand.
- Send the
Web SDK method request withselectedBrand
Example createPayment ()
sfc.createPayment({ sessionToken: sessionData.sessionToken, selectedBrand: "BancontactAcquirer", cardHolderName: document.getElementById('cardHolderName').value, "paymentOption": cardNumber, }, function(res) { console.log(res) })
Simply Connect Payments
If the merchant is using the Simply Connect integration method for payments, use Simply Connect payment customization to enable presenting both brands of co-badged cards on the payment page. When enabled, Nuvei handles the co-brand logic.
For co-badged cards, responses to the checkout.getCardDetails()
Simply Connect method include secondaryBrand
Testing Cards
To test a merchant’s integration for supporting co-badged cards, you can use the following cards in the Nuvei integration environment.
Bancontact Co-badged Test Cards
Issuer Name | Card Number | Expiration Date |
Belfius | 6703 0510 0219 0500 6 | Dec-26 |
Belfius | 6703 0510 0219 0400 9 | Dec-26 |
Beobank | 6703 9500 0174 1700 0 | Jun-26 |
Beobank | 6703 9500 0174 2200 0 | Jun-26 |
Crelan | 6703 1030 3178 7402 1 | Jun-27 |
Bank van Breda | 6703 6459 1548 1200 7 | Feb-27 |
Nagelmackers | 6703 6369 0000 0000 6 | Dec-24 |
Nagelmackers | 6703 6369 0000 0305 9 | Dec-24 |
Аха | 6703 7509 3120 2611 1 | Dec-26 |
Аха | 6703 7509 4388 4801 8 | Dec-26 |
Аха | 6703 7509 4388 4802 6 | Dec-26 |
Deutsche Bank | 6703 6118 2742 2001 8 | Feb-27 |
For more information about testing cards, see Testing Cards.