When sending a payment or authorization request to an issuer, Nuvei (as the acquirer) can request a 3D Secure (3DS) exemption or insist on performing a 3DS challenge, based on the type of transaction, risk analysis, or the merchant’s preference.
3DS Response
The response returned from the issuer will include a threeD
class containing the 3DS authentication result, and if applicable the relevant 3DS challenge or exemption with its reason.
Example /payment
Response to a Challenge Request
{ "reason":"", "authCode":"", "orderId":"36789991", "transactionStatus":"REDIRECT", "clientRequestId":"QMFX1401D", "customData":"", "internalRequestId":19129281, "merchantDetails":{ "customField1":"<customField1>", "customField2":"" }, "version":"1.0", "transactionId":"2110000000005112013", "merchantSiteId":"126006", "transactionType":"Auth3D", "gwExtendedErrorCode":0, "gwErrorCode":0, "merchantId":"2502136204546424962", "clientUniqueId":"695701003", "errCode":0, "paymentOption":{ "userPaymentOptionId":"8114701", "card":{ "issuerBankName":"BANCO SANTANDER TOTTA S.A.", "ccCardNumber":"5****5205", "bin":"554506", "avsCode":"", "threeD":{ "isExemptionRequestInAuthentication":"0", "whiteListStatus":"", "acsTransID":"f6851f23-0b9c-4bef-9aed-8adec7b67535", "cardHolderInfoText":"", "eci":"7", "version":"2.2.0", "acsUrl":"https://qa1-tlv-acq1:4434/api/ThreeDSACSChallengeController/ChallengePage?eyJub3RpZmljYXRpb25VUkwiOiJ3d3d3LlRlc3QtTm90aWZpY2F0aW9uLVVSTC1BZnRlci1UaGUtQ2hhbGxhbmdlLUlzLUNvbXBsZXRlLVdoaWNoLVJlY2lldmVzLVRoZS1DUmVzLU1lc3NhZ2UuY29tIiwidGhyZWVEU1NlcnZlclRyYW5zSUQiOiI5YTRmMjIxMS1mMWQ3LTRhOTYtYWJhYi0yMTA5YmExMzAzZTYiLCJhY3NUcmFuc0lEIjoiZjY4NTFmMjMtMGI5Yy00YmVmLTlhZWQtOGFkZWM3YjY3NTM1IiwiZHNUcmFuc0lEIjoiNjU3NTU4ZjUtZWI0Ni00MTA1LWI2MWUtODFhZDcyYjdkNTMwIiwiZGF0YSI6bnVsbCwiTWVzc2FnZVZlcnNpb24iOiIyLjIuMCJ9", "cavv":"", "result":"C", "challengePreferenceReason":"1", "cReq":"eyJ0aHJlZURTU2VydmVyVHJhbnNJRCI6IjlhNGYyMjExLWYxZDctNGE5Ni1hYmFiLTIxMDliYTEzMDNlNiIsImFjc1RyYW5zSUQiOiJmNjg1MWYyMy0wYjljLTRiZWYtOWFlZC04YWRlYzdiNjc1MzUiLCJjaGFsbGVuZ2VXaW5kb3dTaXplIjoiMDUiLCJtZXNzYWdlVHlwZSI6IkNSZXEiLCJtZXNzYWdlVmVyc2lvbiI6IjIuMi4wIn0=", "dsTransID":"657558f5-eb46-4105-b61e-81ad72b7d530", "acquirerDecision":"ChallengeRequest", "authenticationType":"01", "sdk":{ "acsSignedContent":"MnRiSDZrME43N0t6S1NvN0hwckw=" }, "acsChallengeMandated":"Y", "threeDReasonId":"", "flow":"challenge", "decisionReason":"InitialMerchantInitiatedTransaction" }, "cardType":"Credit", "ccExpMonth":"12", "ccExpYear":"25", "issuerCountry":"PT", "isPrepaid":"false", "acquirerId":"99", "cardBrand":"MASTERCARD", "cvv2Reply":"", "last4Digits":"5205" } }, "sessionToken":"095388b7-7110-4dfa-8a06-ca1c64b920df", "userTokenId":"E0ZQOSVG3KU1", "externalTransactionId":"", "status":"SUCCESS" }
3DS Response Parameters
These are the challenge and exemption parameters returned in the threeD
threeD Class Parameter | Description | Possible Values |
challengePreferenceReason | Identifier of combinations of flow and acquirerDecision . | 1 to 15 |
flow | The type of 3DS flow used to complete the request. |
acquirerDecision | The type of 3DS flow the acquirer asked the merchant to perform. Currently, this is only applicable to the exemption flow. |
decisionReason | Description of the acquirerDecision . | See the Challenge Preference Reasons table below. |
Challenge Preference Reasons
The issuer’s challenge/exemption “decision” returned in the /payment
response is:
- Most often just a confirmation of the “challenge/exemption request” sent in the request by the acquirer (Nuvei).
- Can be based on a request from the merchant.
- Can be based on the issuer’s own risk calculations.
challengePreferenceReason (GW response) | acquirerDecision | decisionReason |
1 | ChallengeRequest | InitialMerchantInitiatedTransaction |
2 | ChallengeRequest | InitialRecurringPayment |
3 | ChallengeRequest | AddCard |
4 | ChallengeRequest | AccountVerification |
5 | ExemptionRequest | MerchantInitiatedTransaction |
6 | ExemptionRequest | RecurringPayment |
7 | ExemptionRequest | MerchantScaDelegation |
8 | ExemptionRequest | WalletScaDelegation |
9 | ExemptionRequest | CorporateCard |
10 | ExemptionRequest | TrustedBeneficiaries |
11 | ChallengeRequest | AlwaysChallenge |
12 | ExemptionRequest | NoPreference |
13 | ChallengeRequest | RuleEngineChallenge |
14 | ExemptionRequest | LowValuePayment |
15 | ExemptionRequest | TransactionRiskAnalysis |
3DS Scenarios
This table lists possible scenarios for different flows.
Use Case | Input threeD Class | Flow | acquirerDecision | decisionReason | Result threeD Class |
Challenge requested by Nuvei | Yes | Challenge | ChallengeRequest | relevant decisionReason (challenge reason) | Yes |
Challenge just by Issuer (regular challenge) | Yes | Challenge | Null | Null | Yes |
Frictionless | Yes | Frictionless | Null | Null | Yes |
Exemption by the merchant (when sending challengePreference="02" ) | Yes | Exemption | Null | Null | Yes |
Exemption by Nuvei | Yes | Exemption | ExemptionRequest | relevant decisionReason (exemption reason) | Yes |
Straight to authorization | No | Exemption | ExemptionRequest (optional) | relevant decisionReason (exemption reason) | Yes |
Non-3DS | No | Null | Null | Null | No |