Webhooks are automated server-to-server notifications Nuvei can send when a relevant transaction or event occurs. After the merchant sends a transaction request to Nuvei, Nuvei communicates with the customer’s bank or other funding source to transfer the funds from the customer’s account to the merchant’s account. When Nuvei receives a response from the bank or other funding source, Nuvei notifies the merchant of the result of the transaction via a webhook. Nuvei sends webhooks directly to the merchant’s web server, providing reliable and secure server-to-server communication between the merchant and Nuvei. The webhooks verify that Nuvei completed the transaction.
The sections below describe how to integrate webhooks and how to handle webhooks when using Nuvei’s REST API 2.0 integration method.
For some other Nuvei integration methods, webhooks are referred to as Direct Merchant Notifications (DMNs).
Integrating Webhooks
When a merchant has integrated Nuvei’s webhooks, the Nuvei server sends an HTTPS GET or POST request that includes the relevant parameters to the merchant web server:
- HTTPS GET – URL includes parameter name-value pairs as a query string. The body of the request is empty.
- HTTPS POST – Body of the request includes parameter name-value pairs.
If a merchant needs to switch between HTTPS GET and HTTPS POST, contact Nuvei’s Integration Team.
To integrate Nuvei’s webhooks, the merchant provides the URL or IP address of the webhook listener on the merchant’s web server. The listener is usually a small module or application that constantly waits for incoming HTTPS requests from Nuvei’s server. When using Nuvei REST API 2.0, Nuvei recommends specifying the relevant webhook URL parameter in the relevant request. For example, in /payments
requests, Nuvei recommends including urlDetails.webhookUrl
Example Webhook Integration
A merchant using HTTPS GET provides the following webhook URL:
The Nuvei server sends the following HTTPS GET request:
https://myserver.com/nuvei/webhook/receiveNotification?paymentId=431411&transactionId=2110000000011334761&externalTransactionId=211011334761&amount=100¤cy=USD&transactionType=Auth&result_status=authorizedOnly&authCode=952990&cvv2Code=P&avsCode=S&partialApproval_requestedAmount=100&partialApproval_requestedCurrency=USD&paymentOption_card_cardHolderName=John Smith_paymentOption_card_maskedCardNumber=5****0636&paymentOption_card_bin=523233&paymentOption_card_last4Digits=0636&paymentOption_card_expirationMonth=10&paymentOption_card_expirationYear=2026&paymentOption_card_acquirerId=99&paymentOption_card_cardType=Credit&paymentOption_card_cardBrand=MASTERCARD&paymentOption_card_paymentTokenId=b058c947-011d-4695-969a-3d6dae9a1d91
The request URL includes all the relevant parameters.
Additional Integration Steps
Nuvei can send many webhooks at one time, depending on how many transactions and/or retries of failed attempts are being relayed simultaneously. Some firewalls might recognize these as DDoS attacks and block Nuvei’s servers; for example, Incapsula. Nuvei recommends that the merchant ensures certain IP address ranges are whitelisted with local and web firewalls.
Also, Nuvei recommends that merchants use merchantTransactionId
in the webhook for mapping webhooks to transactions.
Webhooks for APM Transactions
When an APM transaction occurs, Nuvei can send a webhook that includes the result of the transaction (result.status
). For APM transactions, the possible Status
values are:
- approved: The APM provider processed and approved the transaction.
- declined: The APM provider processed and declined the transaction.
- pending: The APM provider is processing the transaction.
- update: Indicates an update to the transaction’s status. Relevant only for certain APMs that handle North American bank transfers. For details, see the relevant APM guide. REST 2.0 currently supports the Bank Transfer (ACH) APM.
Depending on the APM, transactions can be processed synchronously or asynchronously. Asynchronous processing can involve time delays ranging from a few seconds to several days. After Nuvei receives the final result (approved or declined) from the APM or APM provider, Nuvei sends the merchant an additional webhook containing the same transaction data as the previous webhook and the final result.status
of the transaction.
Example Payment Webhooks (JSON)
Example Payment Webhook with status
=pending (APM)
{ "authorizingEntityId": "<your authorizingEntityId>", "processingEntityId": "<your processingEntityId>", "merchantTransactionId": "<ID of the transaction in the merchant system>", "buyerId": "JohnSmith123", "version": "2.0", "amount": 10.5, "currency": "USD", "transactionType": "Auth", "result": { "status": "pending" }, "timeStamp": "2024-08-28T12:11:47.337302438Z", "paymentOption": { "alternativePaymentMethod": { "name": "ACH", "data": { "accountNumber": "111111111", "routingNumber": "123456780" }, "merchantReference": "12391284AF87C7D2", "paymentTokenId": "c19ec945499a4641977ef5be6deb74df" } } }
Example Payment Webhook with status
=updated (APM)
{ "authorizingEntityId": "<your authorizingEntityId>", "processingEntityId": "<your processingEntityId>", "merchantTransactionId": "<ID of the transaction in the merchant system>", "buyerId": "JohnSmith123", "version": "2.0", "amount": 10.5, "currency": "USD", "transactionType": "Auth", "result": { "status": "updated" }, "timeStamp": "2024-08-28T12:11:47.337302438Z", "paymentOption": { "alternativePaymentMethod": { "name": "ACH", "data": { "accountNumber": "111111111", "routingNumber": "123456780" }, "merchantReference": "12391284AF87C7D2", "paymentTokenId": "c19ec945499a4641977ef5be6deb74df" } } }
Example Payment Webhook with status
=approved (APM)
{ "authorizingEntityId": "<your authorizingEntityId>", "processingEntityId": "<your processingEntityId>", "merchantTransactionId": "<ID of the transaction in the merchant system>", "buyerId": "JohnSmith123", "version": "2.0", "amount": 10.5, "currency": "USD", "transactionType": "Auth", "result": { "status": "approved" }, "timeStamp": "2024-08-28T12:11:47.337302438Z", "paymentOption": { "alternativePaymentMethod": { "name": "ACH", "data": { "accountNumber": "111111111", "routingNumber": "123456780" }, "merchantReference": "12391284AF87C7D2", "paymentTokenId": "c19ec945499a4641977ef5be6deb74df" } } }
Webhook Parameters
Merchants can receive webhooks in one of the following formats:
- JSON – POST requests
- Query string – GET requests
Parameter POST JSON/ GET Query String (if different) | Description |
payment – paymentId refund – refundId void – voidId settle – settleId | ID generated by Nuvei REST API 2.0 |
transactionId | A unique 64-bit number that identifies the fiscal transaction in the Nuvei payment gateway. |
externalTransactionId | A unique ID generated by Nuvei that represents the APM transaction. |
currency | Currency of the transaction |
transactionType | The value of this parameter shows the type of transaction. Type - Sale, Auth, PreAuth. |
result.status result_status | The Gateway transaction status. Possible values that can return: approved, authorizedOnly, declined, error, pending, redirect, challenge, fingerprint, authenticated, authenticationNotSupported |
result.error.code result_error_code | Error code returned from REST API or Nuvei GW |
result.error.reason result_error_reason | Error reason returned from REST API or Nuvei GW |
authCode | The authorization code of the transaction |
cvv2Code | CVV2 (card verification value) response. Possible values: M – CVV2 Match N – CVV2 No Match P – Not Processed U – Issuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa with the encryption keys. S – CVV2 processor is unavailable. |
avsCode | The AVS (address verification) response. The following values may be returned: A – The street address matches, but the ZIP code does not. W – Whole 9-digit ZIP code matches, but the street address does not. Y – Both the 5-digit ZIP code and the street address match. X – An exact match of both the 9-digit ZIP code and the street address. Z – Only the 5-digit ZIP code matches, the street code does not. U – Issuer Unavailable S – Not Supported R – Retry B – Not Authorized (declined) N – Both street address and ZIP code do not match. |
providerResponseDetails.code providerResponseDetails_code | The code returned by the provider in cases of error or decline status |
providerResponseDetails.reason providerResponseDetails_reason | The reason returned by the provider in cases of error or decline status |
partialApproval.requestedAmount partialApproval_requestedAmount | For a partial approval transaction, represents the amount requested. It can be greater than the amount that was able to be processed (totalAmount). |
partialApproval.requestedCurrency partialApproval_requestedCurrency | For a partial approval transaction, represent the currency of the amount requested. It should be the same as the currency of the amount processed (currency). |
paymentOption.card.cardHolderName paymentOption_card_cardHolderName | Name on the card of the customer that processes a transaction, if supplied. |
paymentOption.card.maskedCardNumber paymentOption_card_maskedCardNumber | Masked card number of the user that processes a transaction, if supplied. The parameter becomes mandatory if the payment method is a credit card or debit card. If another payment method is used, then the parameter won't return. |
paymentOption.card.bin paymentOption_card_bin | The first six digits from the credit card number for identifying the processing bank. The rest of the number is not displayed. |
paymentOption.card.last4Digits paymentOption_card_last4Digits | The last four digits of the credit card number |
paymentOption.card.expirationMonth paymentOption_card_expirationMonth | Expiration month of the card used for this transaction, if supplied. The parameter becomes mandatory if the payment method is credit card. If another payment method is used, then the parameter won't return. |
paymentOption.card.expirationYear paymentOption_card_expirationYear | Expiration year of the card used for this transaction, if supplied. The field becomes mandatory if the payment method is credit card. If another payment method is used, then the parameter won't return. |
paymentOption.card.acquirerId paymentOption_card_acquirerId | Acquiring bank unique ID. The value 0 represents an invalid bank code. |
paymentOption.card.cardType paymentOption_card_cardType | The type of card used in the transaction. Possible values: credit or debit. |
paymentOption.card.cardBrand paymentOption_card_cardBrand | The card company of the input card |
paymentOption.card.paymentAccountReference paymentOption_card_paymentAccountReference | A unique identifier associated with a specific cardholder PAN, which can be used in place of sensitive consumer identification fields. If the PaymentAccountReference value is returned in the response (depending on the card scheme decision), then this value is also returned to the Merchant. |
paymentOption.card.paymentTokenId paymentOption_card_paymentTokenId | Each time a customer uses a payment method, Nuvei assigns a unique ID to that payment method. The next time the customer uses a payment method in which Nuvei has already assigned an ID, the ID is returned as the value of this parameter. When a new payment method is used, the value of this parameter will change. |
paymentOption.card.merchantReference paymentOption_card_merchantReference | The token name in the merchant system |
paymentOption.card.threeD.fingerprintUrl paymentOption_card_threeD_fingerprintUrl | The 3DS fingerprint URL. It is required to redirect to it in case of 3DS and send the fingerprintPayload as parameter. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.fingerprintPayload paymentOption_card_threeD_fingerprintPayload | Base 64 encoded string containing the transaction Id etc. that send as parameter during POST to threeSD fingerprintUrl |
paymentOption.card.threeD.v2Supported paymentOption_card_threeD_v2Supported | The 3DS support indication. Possible values: FALSE (not supported) or TRUE (supported). |
paymentOption.card.threeD.isExemptionRequestInAuthentication paymentOption_card_threeD_isExemptionRequestInAuthentication | Indicates if an exemption was requested during authorization. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.acsUrl paymentOption_card_threeD_acsUrl | URL/endpoint used to redirect the customer to the card issuer/bank 3DS verification page. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.cReq paymentOption_card_threeD_cReq | The base 64 encoded cReq relevant for 3DS. acsUrl will be sent as well as a separate field. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.acsTransId paymentOption_card_threeD_acsTransId | |
paymentOption.card.threeD.version paymentOption_card_threeD_version | The 3DS version. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.serverTransId paymentOption_card_threeD_serverTransId | |
paymentOption.card.threeD.eci paymentOption_card_threeD_eci | An Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) value is the result of a 3DS authentication request, returned by a Directory Server ("issuer ACS") (namely Visa, Mastercard, JCB, and American Express). Possible ECI values: Visa: 5 – The cardholder was successfully authenticated. 6 – The issuer or cardholder does not participate in a 3DS program. 7 – Payment authentication was not performed. Mastercard: 1 – The issuer or cardholder does not participate in a 3DS program. 2 – The cardholder was successfully authenticated. 6 – Payment authentication was not performed. 7 – The cardholder was successfully authenticated for the initial MIT. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.cavv paymentOption_card_threeD_cavv | A cryptogram created by the issuer that serve as a proof that the merchant is entitled tor this authentication. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.whiteListStatus paymentOption_card_threeD_whiteListStatus | whiteListStatus – from final GW response to Sale TRX. This field is relevant only for a 3DS deposit flow. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.acsChallengeMandate paymentOption_card_threeD_acsChallengeMandate | The 3DS challenge required indication. Possible values: N (not required) or Y (required). |
paymentOption.card.threeD.authenticationType paymentOption_card_threeD_authenticationType | The type of authentication performed during the 3DS challenge. If the merchant wants to react differently for each authentication type, it is possible per the value returned. Possible values: 01 – Static 02 – Dynamic 03 – OOB 04 – Decoupled 05–79 – Reserved for EMVCo future use, values invalid until defined by EMVCo 80–99 – Reserved for DS use |
paymentOption.card.threeD.authenticationResult paymentOption_card_threeD_authenticationResult | Indicates whether a transaction qualifies as an authenticated transaction or account verification. Possible values: Y = Authentication Verification Successful. N = Not Authenticated /Account Not Verified; Transaction denied. U = Authentication/ Account Verification Could Not Be Performed; Technical or other problem, as indicated in ARes or RReq. A = Attempts Processing Performed; Not Authenticated/Verified, but a proof of attempted authentication/verification is provided. C = Challenge Required; Additional authentication is required using the CReq/CRes. D = Challenge Required; Decoupled Authentication confirmed. R = Authentication/ Account Verification Rejected; Issuer is rejecting" |
paymentOption.card.threeD.flow paymentOption_card_threeD_flow | The 3DS flow required by the issuer. Possible values: challenge, frictionless, exemption |
paymentOption.card.threeD.reasonId paymentOption_card_threeD_reasonId | reason id |
paymentOption.card.threeD.reason paymentOption_card_threeD_reason | If the attempt failed, this parameter is returned by the banks to indicate the reason why the transaction was not passed as full 3D. Returned in the end of the 3DS after successful frictionless. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.cardholderInfoText paymentOption_card_threeD_cardholderInfoText | The text provided by the ACS/Issuer to the cardholder during a frictionless transaction that was not authenticated by the ACS/Issuer. For example: “Additional authentication is needed for this transaction. Please contact [Issuer Name] at xxx-xxx-xxxx.” If this parameter is populated, the merchant must display the information to the cardholder. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.challengePreferenceReason paymentOption_card_threeD_challengePreferenceReason | This value is returned following a 3DS challenge and describes the reason for challenge. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.acquirerDecision paymentOption_card_threeD_acquirerDecision | The acquirer’s request from the merchant to perform a certain flow. Possible values: ChallengeRequest, ExemptionRequest |
paymentOption.card.threeD.decisionReason paymentOption_card_threeD_decisionReason | The description of the acquirer’s decision. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.challengeCancelReason paymentOption_card_threeD_challengeCancelReason | Reason description for a canceled 3DS authorization as received from the issuer. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.challengeCancelReasonId paymentOption_card_threeD_challengeCancelReasonId | Reason ID for a canceled 3DS authorization as received from the issuer. |
paymentOption.card.threeD.isLiabilityOnIssuer paymentOption_card_threeD_isLiabilityOnIssuer | Indicates if there is a 3DS liability shift. |
paymentOption.alternativePaymentMethod.name paymentOption_alternativePaymentMethod_name | The APM name provided in the request |
paymentOption.alternativePaymentMethod.data.xxxxx paymentOption_alternativePaymentMethod_data_xxxxx | Key pair value provided in the request by the merchant when doing a payment with APM. For example, ACH account number paymentOption.alternativePaymentMethod.data.accountNumber |
paymentOption.alternativePaymentMethod.merchantReference paymentOption_alternativePaymentMethod_merchantReference | The token name in the merchant system |
paymentOption.alternativePaymentMethod.paymentTokenId paymentOption_alternativePaymentMethod_paymentTokenId | Each time a customer uses a payment method, Nuvei assigns a unique ID to that payment method. The next time the customer uses a payment method in which Nuvei has already assigned an ID, the ID is returned as the value of this parameter. When a new payment method is used, the value of this parameter will change. |
paymentOption.eWallet.provider paymentOption_eWallet_provider | The E-wallet provider. For example, Apple Pay. |
paymentOption.eWallet.eciIndicator paymentOption_eWallet_eciIndicator | This is provided by the E-wallet provider in cases 3DS was performed during tokenization of the card in the end user's device. |
paymentOption.eWallet.expirationMonth paymentOption_eWallet_expirationMonth | Expiration month of the card used for this transaction, if supplied. The parameter becomes mandatory if the payment method is credit card. |
paymentOption.eWallet.expirationYear paymentOption_eWallet_expirationYear | Expiration year of the card used for this transaction, if supplied. The field becomes mandatory if the payment method is credit card. |
paymentOption.eWallet.cardHolderName paymentOption_eWallet_cardHolderName | Name on the card of the customer that processes a transaction, if supplied. |
paymentOption.eWallet.maskedCardNumber paymentOption_eWallet_maskedCardNumber | Masked card number of the user that processes a transaction, if supplied. The parameter becomes mandatory if the payment method is a credit card or debit card. If another payment method is used, then an empty string is returned. |
paymentOption.eWallet.bin paymentOption_eWallet_bin | The first six digits from the credit card number for identifying the processing bank. The rest of the number is not displayed. |
paymentOption.eWallet.last4Digits paymentOption_eWallet_last4Digits | Last four digits of the credit card number |
paymentOption.eWallet.cardType paymentOption_eWallet_cardType | The type of card used in the transaction. Possible values: credit or debit. |
paymentOption.eWallet.cardBrand paymentOption_eWallet_cardBrand | The card company of the input card |
paymentOption.eWallet.acquirerId paymentOption_eWallet_acquirerId | Acquiring bank unique ID. The value 0 represents an invalid bank code. |