On this page:
Nuvei does not recommend non-3D-Secure (3DS) card payments. However, in some cases, a merchant can choose to avoid 3DS altogether.
The REST 2.0 non-3D-Secure card payment flow consists of:
- Rendering a Form – Collect the cardholder details on your payment page.
- Payment – Send a REST 2.0
1. Rendering a Payment Form
On the merchant’s payment page, render a form to collect cardholder details.
2. Payment
To perform a non-3DS payment with a card, send a POST /payments
request with:
- A header that includes includes the merchant’s API key for authentication. See the REST 2.0 Authentication page.
- Its mandatory parameters.
The request can include additional, optional parameters.
Example POST /payments
(Non-3DS) Request
{ "processingEntityId": "<your processingEntityId>", "amount": 10.5, "currency": "USD", "transactionType": "Sale", "paymentOption": { "store": "buyerToken", "card": { "cardNumber": "5101081046006034", "cardHolderName": "John Smith", "expirationMonth": "10", "expirationYear": "2026", "cvv": "345" } }, "custom": { "description": "Some description" }, "deviceDetails": { "ipAddress": "<customer's IP address>", "browser": { "acceptHeader": "Y", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36", "javaEnabled": "true", "language": "en-US", "colorDepth": "24", "screenHeight": "1080", "screenWidth": "1920", "timeZone": "0", "javaScriptEnabled": "true" } }, "buyerDetails": { "buyerId": "<unique customer identifier in your system>", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "companyName": "Nuvei Corp", "dateOfBirth": "1978-06-27", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "6175551414", "billingAddress": { "address": "22 Main Street", "zip": "02460", "city": "Boston", "countryCode": "US", "phone": "6175551414", "addressMatch": "true" }, "shippingAddress": { "sameAsBilling": "true", "address": "22 Main Street", "zip": "02460", "city": "Boston", "countryCode": "US", "phone": "6175551414" } } }
Example /payments
(Non-3DS) Response
{ "paymentId": "375011", "transactionId": "2110000000010964089", "externalTransactionId": "211010964089", "amount": 10.5, "currency": "USD", "transactionType": "Sale", "result": { "status": "approved" }, "authCode": "300250", "partialApproval": { "requestedAmount": 10.5, "requestedCurrency": "USD" }, "paymentOption": { "card": { "cardHolderName": "John Smith", "maskedCardNumber": "5****6034", "bin": "523233", "last4Digits": "6034", "expirationMonth": "10", "expirationYear": "2026", "acquirerId": "99", "cardType": "Credit", "cardBrand": "MASTERCARD", "paymentTokenId": "b058c947-011d-4695-969a-3d6dae9a1d91" } } }