Nuvei SDKs contain sets of components for building checkout flows, which are ready to collect user data. Nuvei Fields are SDK components that allow you to tokenize sensitive data from within the SDKs, without needing to communicate with your server.
Implementing Nuvei Web SDK
You can implement the Nuvei Web SDK on your payment web page using either of these integrations as described below:
- Simple Card Integration
- Three-Part Card Fields Integration – This is based on the Simple Card Integration but offers more flexible payment form layouts.
How to Implement the Nuvei Web SDK
Implementing the Nuvei Web SDK on your payment web page involves running a set of JavaScript scripts, which:
- Initializes the Nuvei Web SDK and the Fields objects.
- Inserts the payment Nuvei Fields into your payment form for secure collection.
- Stylizes the Nuvei Fields using style classes with your own look and feel.
- Collects cardholder information.
- Submits card information for tokenization.
Simple Card Integration
Creating a Form
- Import the safecharge.js library.
<script src="https://cdn.safecharge.com/safecharge_resources/v1/websdk/safecharge.js"></script>
- Create a simple container for your form.
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.safecharge.com/safecharge_resources/v1/websdk/safecharge.js"></script> </head> <body> <form action="/charge" method="post" id="payment-form"> <div class="form-row"> <label for="card-field-placeholder"> Credit or debit card </label> <div id="card-field-placeholder" class="some initial css-classes"> <!-- SFC Card widget is inserted here. --> </div> <!-- Used to display form errors. --> <div id="scard-errors" role="alert"></div> </div> </form> <button onclick="main();">Submit Payment</button> </body> </html>
- Customize by defining classes for sizes and states. Nuvei Fields implements these classes and you can stylize the fields by setting these classes (for details, see Styling).
.SfcFields { background-color: #feff8c; height: 42px; padding: 10px 12px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid transparent; box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 #e6ebf1; -webkit-transition: box-shadow 150ms ease; transition: box-shadow 150ms ease; } .sfc-empty { background-color: #fecd58 !important; } .sfc-empty.sfc-focus { box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 #cfd7df; background-color: #fe8423 !important; } .sfc-focus { box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 #cfd7df; background-color: #feb1c7 !important; } .sfc-complete { background-color: #34fa29 !important; } .sfc-invalid { border-color: #fa755a; } .SfcFields--webkit-autofill { background-color: #fefde5 !important; webkit-text-fill-color: #e3b85d; }
Creating a Card Field
- Generate a
by calling the /openOrder API. (For details, see Initiate a Session.) - Instantiate the Nuvei Web SDK that hosts Nuvei Fields.
var sfc = SafeCharge({ env: 'int', // Nuvei API environment - 'int' (integration) or 'prod' (production - default if omitted) merchantId: '<your merchantId>', // your Merchant ID provided by Nuvei merchantSiteId : '<your merchantSiteId>', // your Merchant site ID provided by Nuvei });
- Instantiate Nuvei Fields.
var ScFields = sfc.fields({ fonts: [ { cssUrl: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro' }, // include your custom fonts ], locale: 'de',// You can set users' preferred locale. If not provided, tries to auto-detect. textDirection:'ltr', // or rtl })
- You can create custom styles for the fields and their states (for details, see Styling).
var style = { base: { fontSize: '16pt', fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif', color: "#045d47", fontSmoothing: 'antialiased', '::placeholder': { color: '#ccb654' } }, invalid: { color: '#e5312b', ':focus': { color: '#303238' } }, empty: { color: '#BADA55', '::placeholder': { color: '#cc3ac2' } }, valid: { color: '#48ef39' } };
- Create a card field and attach to the DOM.
var scard = ScFields.create('card', {style: style}); scard.attach(document.getElementById('card-field-placeholder'));
Processing a Card
- Process the card.
// to work with the sample html should be called from within function main() sfc.createPayment({ sessionToken : "<sessiontoken>", //received from openOrder API clientUniqueId : "695701003", // optional cardHolderName : "<card_holder>", paymentOption : scard, billingAddress: { email: "[email protected]", country:"GB" } }, function (res) { console.log(res) })
- You can use the
returned in the previous step to continue process using any of these methods:- The createPayment() Web SDK method or the authenticate3d() Web SDK method.
Requestsfc.createPayment({ sessionToken : "<sessiontoken>", //received from openOrder API merchantId : "<your merchantId>", //as assigned by Nuvei merchantSiteId : "<your merchantSiteId>", //as assigned by Nuvei clientUniqueId : "695701003", // optional paymentOption : scard, billingAddress: { email: "[email protected]", country:"GB" } }, function (res) { console.log(res) })
- Another option is to use the /payment API call (server-to-server).
To do so, first call the getToken() Web SDK method to receive a temporary one-timepaymentOption.ccTempToken
, and then use it in a /payment API call.Example
RequestSafeCharge({ env: 'int', // Nuvei API environment - 'int' (integration) or 'prod' (production - default if omitted) sessionToken: "<sessionToken>", //received from openOrder API merchantId: '<your merchantId>', // your Merchant ID provided by Nuvei merchantSiteId : '<your merchantSiteId>' // your Merchant Site ID provided by Nuvei }); var ScFields = sfc.fields({ fonts: [{ cssUrl: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Code+Pro' }, // include your custom fonts ], locale: 'en' // You can set your users' preferred locale. If not provided, tries to auto-detect. }); var style = { base: { fontFamily: 'Roboto, sans-serif', color: "#045d47", fontSmoothing: 'antialiased', '::placeholder': { color: '#ccb654' } }, invalid: { color: '#e5312b', ':focus': { color: '#303238' } }, empty: { color: '#BADA55', '::placeholder': { color: '#cc3ac2' } }, valid: { color: '#2b8f22' } }; var scard = ScFields.create('card', { style: style }); scard.attach(document.getElementById('card-field-placeholder')); function main() { sfc.getToken(scard).then(function(result) { if (result.status === 'SUCCESS') { console.log(result) //pass the result.ccTempToken to the server side } else { console.log(result); } }); }
- The createPayment() Web SDK method or the authenticate3d() Web SDK method.
Example – Simple Card
Three-Part Card Fields Integration
Another integration option is based on the Simple Card Integration described above but offers more flexible payment form layouts. This is made possible by dividing the Nuvei Card Fields into their three building blocks: card number, expiration and CVV.
Creating a Form for Three-Part Card Fields
- Import the safecharge.js library.
<script src="https://cdn.safecharge.com/safecharge_resources/v1/websdk/safecharge.js"></script>
- Create a template for the three-part Nuvei Fields.
<html> <head> <script src="https://cdn.safecharge.com/safecharge_resources/v1/websdk/safecharge.js"></script> </head> <body> <form action="/charge" method="post" id="payment-form"> <div class="row"> <div class="field"> <div id="card-number" class="input"></div> <label for="card-number" data-tid="scwsdk.form.card_number_label"> Card number </label> <div class="underline"></div> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="field col6"> <div id="card-expiry" class="input empty"></div> <label for="card-expiry" data-tid="scwsdk.form.card_expiry_label"> Expiration </label> <div class="underline "></div> </div> <div class="field col6"> <div id="card-cvc" class="input empty"></div> <label for="card-cvc" data-tid="scwsdk.form.card_cvc_label"> CVC </label> <div class="underline "></div> </div> </div> </form> <button onclick="main()">Submit Payment</button> </body> </html>
Creating Three-Part Card Fields
- Generate a
by calling the /openOrder API. (For details, see Initiate a Session.) - Instantiate the Nuvei Web SDK that hosts Nuvei Fields.
var sfc = SafeCharge({ env: 'int', // Nuvei API environment - 'int' (integration) or 'prod' (production - default if omitted) merchantId: '<your merchantId>', // your Merchant ID provided by Nuvei merchantSiteId : '<your merchantSiteId>' // your Merchant Site ID provided by Nuvei });
- Instantiate Nuvei Fields.
var ScFields = sfc.fields({ fonts: [ { cssUrl: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto' }, // include your custom fonts ] })
- Create custom styles and classes for Nuvei Fields (see Styling).
var ScFieldStyles = { base: { color: '#32325D', fontWeight: 500, fontFamily: 'Roboto, Consolas, Menlo, monospace', fontSize: '16px', fontSmoothing: 'antialiased', '::placeholder': { color: '#CFD7DF', }, ':-webkit-autofill': { color: '#e39f48', webkit-text-fill-color: '#e3b85d', }, }, invalid: { color: '#E25950', '::placeholder': { color: '#FFCCA5', }, }, }; var ScFieldClasses = { focus: 'focused', empty: 'empty', invalid: 'invalid', complete: 'complete', };
- Create and attach fields to the DOM.
var scard= ScFields.create('ccNumber', { style: ScFieldStyles, classes: ScFieldClasses, }); scard.attach('#card-number'); var cardExpiry = ScFields.create('ccExpiration', { style: ScFieldStyles, classes: ScFieldClasses, }); cardExpiry.attach('#card-expiry'); var cardCvc = ScFields.create('ccCvc', { style: ScFieldStyles, classes: ScFieldClasses, }); cardCvc.attach('#card-cvc');
Processing Three-Part Card Fields
- Process the card.
// this has to be called form within the main() function to work with the sample html sfc.createPayment({ sessionToken: "<sessionToken>", //received from openOrder API clientUniqueId: "695701003", // optional cardHolderName : "<card_holder>", paymentOption: scard, billingAddress: { email: "[email protected]", country: "GB" } }, function(res) { console.log(res) });
- You can use the
returned in the previous step to continue process using any of these methods:- The createPayment() Web SDK method or the authenticate3d() Web SDK method.
Requestsfc.createPayment({ sessionToken : "<sessiontoken>", //received from openOrder API merchantId : "<your merchantId>", //as assigned by Nuvei merchantSiteId : "<your merchantSiteId>", //as assigned by Nuvei clientUniqueId : "695701003", // optional paymentOption : scard, billingAddress: { email: "[email protected]", country:"GB" } }, function (res) { console.log(res) })
- Another option is to use the /payment API call (server-to-server).
To do so, first call the getToken() Web SDK method to receive a temporary one-timepaymentOption.ccTempToken
, and then use it in a /payment API call.Example
Requestsfc.getToken(scard).then(function(result) { // Stop progress animation! if (result.status === 'SUCCESS') { // use result.paymentOption to pass, as is, to the /payment API method } else { // Otherwise, re-enable input. Handle error } });
- The createPayment() Web SDK method or the authenticate3d() Web SDK method.
Example – Three-Part Card Fields
Additional Features
There are methods for enabling additional functionalities and custom styling for Nuvei Fields.
Additional Methods
The following additional methods are available to instruct Nuvei Fields to perform the corresponding functionalities:
- destroy – Removes Nuvei Fields from your page
- clear – Erases your customers input from Nuvei Fields
- focus – Selects the element and your customer can start typing. An example of selecting an element and invoking the method:
document.getElementById("SfcFields").addEventListener('click', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); SfcFields.destroy(); });
Nuvei Fields Custom Styling
Supported States
We support custom styling for four states of Nuvei Fields (see Styling).
var customStyles = { base: { }, empty: { }, valid: { }, invalid: { }, };
Supported Attributes
We support the following attributes for custom styling:
- color
- fontFamily
- fontSize
- fontSmoothing
- -webkit-font-smoothing
- -moz-osx-font-smoothing
- fontStyle, fontVariant
- fontWeight
- lineHeight
- letterSpacing
- textAlign
- textDecoration
- textShadow
- textTransform
- ::placeholder
- ::selection
- ::-ms-clear
- :-webkit-autofill
- :disabled
- :focus
- :hover
- opacity
- display
Validation Error Handling
For each change to Nuvei Fields, the Web SDK sends “change” events, which provide the following information about the Fields status:
- cardType – visa, mastercard, amex, diners, discover, jcb, dankort, unionPay
- complete – Boolean. Indicates if the full card information is complete and valid.
Error events:
- error – with the following attributes:
- Type – validation_error.
- Code – the specific error code:
- incomplete_cvc – missing or incomplete CVV/CVC
- incomplete_date – missing or incomplete date
- date_in_past – date is in the past
- invalid_expiration_year – invalid year value
- incomplete_card_number – incomplete or missing card number
- incorrect_card_number – incorrect card number
Example Error
{ "payload":{ "cardType":"visa", "empty":false, "complete":false, "error":{ "code":"incorrect_card_number", "type":"validation_error" } }
Nuvei Fields Events
We support the following events to which you can subscribe:
- blur
- change
- focus
- ready
scard.on('ready', function (evt) { console.log('on scard ready', evt); });