Clearpay is an Australian financial technology company. It provides merchants with a “buy now, pay later” service that does not require customers to enter a traditional loan or pay upfront fees or interest. Consumers pay for their purchases in 4 easy payments over a total of 6 weeks, with zero interest when paid on time.
With Clearpay, users gain access to a large and growing segment of consumers who are increasingly using buy now, pay later options as a flexible alternative to credit cards. Best of all, you’re immediately paid in full for each purchase, and are protected against fraud and consumer payment risk.
Supported Countries
- GB
Supported Currencies
Payment (Deposit) Flow
Follow these steps to perform a payment using Nuvei REST API integration:
1. Generate a sessionToken
Press here for details.
2. Send a /payment
Perform the payment by sending a /payment
request with its mandatory parameters including:
block containing:paymentMethod
: “apmgw_Clearpay“
block containing:ipAddress
block containing:firstName
block containing:firstName
Example /payment
{ "sessionToken":"<sessionToken from /getSessionToken>", "merchantId":"<your merchantId>", "merchantSiteId":"<your merchantSiteId>", "clientRequestId":"<unique request ID in merchant system>", "amount":"200", "currency":"USD", "userTokenId":"<unique customer identifier in merchant system>", "clientUniqueId":"<unique transaction ID in merchant system>", "paymentOption":{ "alternativePaymentMethod":{ "paymentMethod":"apmgw_Clearpay" } }, "deviceDetails":{ "ipAddress":"<customer's IP address>" }, "billingAddress": { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address": "22 Main Street", "city": "Leicester", "zip": "LE1 1AJ ", "state": "LEI", "country": "GB", "email": "[email protected]" }, "userDetails":{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Smith", "address": "22 Main Street", "city": "Leicester", "zip": "LE1 1AJ ", "state": "LEI", "country": "GB", "email": "[email protected]" }, "timeStamp":"<YYYYMMDDHHmmss>", "checksum":"<calculated checksum>" }
The response generates and returns a redirect URL (redirectUrl
) to redirect the customer to the payment page, as well as a UPO (userPaymentOptionId
) for use in future transactions.
Example /payment
{ "orderId":"341413598", "userTokenId":"Usertoken01", "paymentOption":{ "redirectUrl":"https://apitest.nuvei.com/Home?PaymentToken=F355F191C8B97D1D3B8453B283258C66.13560826", "userPaymentOptionId":"83246818", }, "transactionStatus":"REDIRECT", "sessionToken":"f43d774a-a180-4935-bbc1-1315bb4dc203", "internalRequestId":549917488, "status":"SUCCESS", "errCode":0, "reason":"", "merchantId":"2439523627382132721", "merchantSiteId":"224428", "version":"1.0", "clientRequestId":"20221104131500" }
After the transaction is processed, Nuvei sends a Direct Merchant Notification (DMN) that includes the result of the transaction to the URL provided in urlDetails.notificationUrl
, which Nuvei recommends including in the /payment
Example /payment
DMN with status
...'ppp_status=OK&Status=APPROVED&ExErrCode=0&ErrCode=0&errApmCode=0&errApmDescription=&errScCode=0&errScDescription=&Reason=&ReasonCode=0&PPP_TransactionID=346641898&userid=UT_1007&merchant_unique_id=&customData=&productId=&first_name=John&last_name=Smith&email=accountholder0%40example.com¤cy=GBP&customField1=&customField2=&customField3=&customField4=&customField5=&customField6=&customField7=&customField8=&customField9=&customField10=&customField11=&customField12=&customField13=&customField14=&customField15=&invoice_id=&address1=22+Main+Street&address2=&country=United+Kingdom&state=LEI&city=Leicester&zip= LE1+1AJ&phone1=2014177692&phone2=&phone3=&client_ip=',
User Experience
Registered User
- The user is redirected to the Clearpay website.
- The user enters their password and clicks Continue.
- The user enters their password and clicks Continue.
- The user confirms the order.
A confirmation message is displayed.
New User
- The user enters their password.
- The user enters their mobile number (valid for that country) and clicks Continue.
- The user enters their details:
- Date of Birth
- Address (valid for that country)
- The user enters the verification code received:
- The user enters their card payment information and clicks Continue.
- Card Number
- Card expiry MM/YY
- CVV Code
- The user enters their payment schedules and confirms the order.
A confirmation message is displayed.
Email: [email protected]
pass: Webmaster501
Also, you can create your testing accounts, same as above, by using a new email with a unique phone number.
- Required verification PIN is: 111111
- Test cards:
4111 1111 1111 1111 , 01/22 , CVV 000 for capture approved.
4111 1111 1111 1111 , 01/22 , CVV 051, capture declined.
Multi-Store Marketplace Addendum
A Marketplace merchant can submit /payment
requests that include an addendums.marketplace
class with multiple stores (submerchants).
Example addendum.marketplace
Class with Multiple Stores
{ "addendums": { "marketplace": { "description": "new market place", "sellerInfo": [ { "uniqueAccountIdentifierSeller": { "phone": "12121231242", "email": "[email protected]", "other": "passthrough data" }, "subMerchantId": "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfg", "subMerchantName": "Marketbrick Ltd.", "subMerchantPostalCode": "11010", "productCategory": "Computers", "productName": "Acer 5400", "sellerRating": "4.5", "accountRregistrationDate": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "numberOfTrades": "34", "volumeOfTrades": "4500", "uniqueAccountIdentifier": { "email": "[email protected]", "personalNumber": "6175553333", "other": "passthrough data" }, "accountLastModified": { "password": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "email": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "listing": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "login": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "address": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z" } }, { "subMerchantId": "9876543210sjuwytcndflpss", "subMerchantName": "Marketstore Ltd.", "subMerchantPostalCode": "54321", "productCategory": "Pet Food", "productName": "Purina Puppy Chow", "sellerRating": 3.4, "accountRregistrationDate": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "numberOfTrades": 3, "volumeOfTrades": 2, "uniqueAccountIdentifier": { "email": "[email protected]", "personalNumber": "6175551414", "other": "passthrough data" }, "accountLastModified": { "password": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "email": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "listing": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "login": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "address": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z" } } ], "marketplaceConsumerInfo": [ { "accountRegistrationDate": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "numberOfTrades": 2, "volumeOfTrades": 12, "uniqueAccountIdentifier": { "email": "[email protected]", "personalNumber": "+33623232323", "other": "passthrough data" }, "accountLastModified": { "password": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "email": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "listing": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "login": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z", "address": "2020-06-10T12:02:21Z" } } ] } } }