To automate dispute handling, merchants use the REST 2.0 Disputes API:
Function | Method and Endpoint |
Retrieve a list of disputes for a processing entity. | GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes |
Retrieve details of a dispute. | GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id} |
Upload one or more image files Nuvei includes in dispute responses. | POST /entities/{entity-id}/files |
Perform an action on a dispute. | POST /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}/{action} |
The Disputes API currently supports Visa and Mastercard disputes for which Nuvei is the direct acquirer. Future releases will provide additional support.
Retrieve a List of Disputes
To retrieve a list of disputes for a processing entity, the merchant sends a GET request to /entities/{entity-id}/disputes
, using the merchant’s processing entity ID provided by Nuvei. The merchant can filter the list by including the following URL-encoded query string parameters in the request URL:
Query Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
from_date | String | Yes | Start date filter in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
to_date | String | Yes | Last date filter in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. |
response_date_sort | String | Yes | Date to use for from_date and to_date filtering. Valid values:UpdateDate – Filter according to last event date. CreateDate – Filter according to first event date. |
retrieve_files | Boolean | No | Determines whether the request retrieves image data: true – Retrieves image data. false (default) – Does not retrieve image data. |
offset | Number | No | Paging parameter – Dispute list begins at this position in the dataset. Default value is 0. |
size | Number | No | Paging parameter – Maximum number of disputes on each response page. Default value is 100. Maximum value when retrieveImages is false: 100. Otherwise: 10. |
Format for GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes
Request URL
GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes?from_date={fromDate}&to_date={toDate}&response_date_sort={dateType}&retrieve_images={includeImages}
Example GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes
Request URL
GET /entities/3ede43b4-8a1a-4bc9-a120-f07836ddf7d9/disputes?from_date=2024-02-02&to_date=2024-02-06&response_date_sort=UpdateDate&retrieve_files=true
The response includes a status.code
and a status.description
for each dispute in the list. For a list of possible dispute status codes and descriptions, see below.
Example GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes
{ "totalResultCount": 1, "disputes": [ { "id": "FRI3dJoEHQ/f8gaGUi86So4F8AQiznNgxWZFLvDJVxhBU3tq0kzakLH6wWpM+Llc", "creationDate": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "verdict": "", "transaction": { "id": 210000000, "date": "2022-08-02T11:38:26.511Z", "merchantTransactionId": "1324343", "arn": "1234556", "amount": 100.2, "currency": "USD" }, "paymentOption": "Visa", "maskedCardNumber": "123456************3456", "availableActions": [ "ACCEPT", "PARTIAL", "REJECT" ], "lastDisputeEvent": { "id": "ABI3dJoEHQ/f8gaGUi86So4F8AQiznNgxWZFLvDJVxhBU3tq0kzakLH6wWpM+Mmc", "updateDate": "2022-09-04T11:38:26.511Z", "expirationDate": "2022-09-25T11:38:26.511Z", "status": { "code": "FC-M-RJCT", "description": "First Chargeback- Rejected by Merchant" }, "disputeAmount": 100.2, "rejectAmount": 100.2, "currency": "USD", "remarks": "chargeback notes example", "disputeReason": { "code": "12.4", "description": "reason name" }, "rejectReason": { "code": "IDRC25", "reason": "Invalid Dispute" }, "files": [ { "id": 123456, "name": "testimage.pdf", "data": "This is an image file stored in a base64 encoded string" } ], "initiatedBy": "Issuer" } } ] }
Retrieve the Details of a Dispute
To retrieve the complete details for a dispute case, including the entire status flow, the merchant sends a GET request to entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}
. The status flow indicates the stages the dispute went through until its current status. The request URL can include the following query string parameter:
Query Parameter | Type | Mandatory | Description |
retrieve_images | Boolean | No | Determines whether the request retrieves images: true – Images are retrieved. false (default) – Images are not retrieved. |
Format for GET entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}
Request URL
GET /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}?retrieve_images={includeImages}
Example GET entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}
Request URL
GET /entities/3ede43b4-8a1a-4bc9-a120-f07836ddf7d9/disputes/FRI3dJoEHQ/f8gaGUi86So4F8AQiznNgxWZFLvDJVxhBU3tq0kzakLH6wWpM+Llc?retrieve_images=true
The response includes a status.code
and a status.description
for each dispute in the list. For a list of possible dispute status codes and descriptions, see below.
Example GET entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}
{ "disputes": { "id": "FRI3dJoEHQ/f8gaGUi86So4F8AQiznNgxWZFLvDJVxhBU3tq0kzakLH6wWpM+Llc", "creationDate": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "verdict": "", "transaction": { "id": 210000000, "date": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "merchantTransactionId": "1324343", "arn": "1234556", "amount": 100.2, "currency": "USD" }, "paymentOption": "Visa", "maskedCardNumber": "123456************3456", "availableActions": [ "ACCEPT", "PARTIAL", "REJECT" ], "disputeEvents": [ { "updateDate": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "expirationDate": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "status": { "code": "FC", "description": "First Chargeback- Initiated by Issuer" }, "disputeAmount": 100.2, "rejectAmount": null, "currency": "USD", "remarks": "chargeback notes example", "disputeReason": { "code": "12.4", "reason": "reason name" }, "rejectReason": { "code": null, "description": null }, "files": [ { "id": 123456, "name": "testimage.pdf", "data": "This is an image file stored in a base64 encoded string" } ], "initiatedBy": "Issuer" }, { "updateDate": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "expirationDate": "2022-09-02T11:38:26.511Z", "status": { "code": "FC-M-RJCT", "description": "First Chargeback- Rejected by Merchant" }, "disputeAmount": 100.2, "rejectAmount": 100.2, "currency": "USD", "remarks": "chargeback reject notes example", "disputeReason": { "code": "12.4", "reason": "reason name" }, "rejectreason": { "code": "IDRC25", "descripion": "reason name" }, "files": [ { "id": 555456, "name": "respimage.pdf", "data": "This is a response image file stored in a base64 encoded string" } ], "initiatedBy": "Acquirer" } ] } }
Upload Image Files
Merchants can re-present a dispute with supporting files. Uploading one or more files is the first step of the representment flow. To upload one or more files, the merchant sends a POST request to /entities/{entity-id}/files
Example POST /entities/{entity-id}/files
{ "files": [ { "name": "testimage.pdf", "data": "This is an image file stored in a base64 encoded string" } ] }
The response includes files.correlationId
. Use this correlationId
when performing an action on the dispute, the second step of the representment flow.
Example POST /entities/{entity-id}/files
{ "files": [ { "correlationId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000", "name": "testimage.pdf" } ], "result": { "status": "SUCCESS" } }
Perform an Action on a Dispute
To submit a response to the dispute, the merchant sends a POST request to /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}/{action}
. The merchant can accept, partially accept, or reject the dispute. If the action requires a supporting file, the request must include the correlationID
of the previously uploaded file.
Example POST /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}/{action}
Request URL
POST /entities/3ede43b4-8a1a-4bc9-a120-f07836ddf7d9/disputes/FRI3dJoEHf8gaGUi86So4F8AQiznNgxWZFLvDJVxhBU3tq0kzakLH6wWpM+Llc/PARTIAL
Example POST /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}/{action}
{ "acceptedAmount": 100, "currency":"USD", "cardholderNoLongerDisputes": null, "notes": "the dispute was partial accepted because ...", "files": [ "IZI3dJoEHQ/f8gaGUi86So4F8AQiznNgxWZFLvDJVxhBU3tq0kzakLH6wWpM+Llc" ] }
Example /entities/{entity-id}/disputes/{dispute-id}/{action}
{ "disputeEventId": "55333abc422" }
Dispute Status Codes
The following table lists the possible dispute status.codes
and status.descriptions
Code | Description |
FC | First Chargeback-Initiated by Issuer |
CC | Credit Chargeback-Initiated by Issuer |
CC-A-ACPT | Credit Chargeback-Accepted Automatically |
FC-A-EPRD | First Chargeback- No response by Merchant- CB expired |
FC-M-ACPT | First Chargeback-Accepted by merchant |
FC-A-ACPT | First Chargeback-Accepted Automatically |
FC-A-ACPT-MCOLL | First Chargeback-Accepted Automatically |
FC-M-PART | First Chargeback-Partially Accepted by merchant |
FC-M-RJCT | First Chargeback- Rejected by Merchant |
FC-A-RJCT | First Chargeback- Rejected Automatically |
IPA | Pre-Arbitration- Initiated by issuer |
MPA-I-ACPT | Merchant pre-arbitration accepted by Issuer |
MPA-I-RJCT | Merchant pre-arbitration rejected by Issuer |
MPA-I-PART | Merchant pre-arbitration partially accepted by Issuer |
FC-CLSD-MF | First Chargeback-Dispute is closed in merchant favour |
FC-CLSD-CHF | First Chargeback-Dispute is closed in card holder favour |
FC-CLSD-RCL | First Chargeback-Dispute is closed (Recall) |
FC-I-RCL | First Chargeback - Recalled by issuer |
PA-CLSD-MF | Pre-arbitration is closed in merchant favour |
PA-CLSD-CHF | Pre-arbitration is closed in card holder favour |
FC-SPCSE | First Chargeback-Initiated by Issuer - Dispute Response is not allowed |
MCC | MC Collaboration - Initiated by Issuer |
MCC-A-RJCT | Collaboration - Previously Refunded (automatic response) |
MCC-M-ACPT | Collaboration - Refunded by Merchant |
MCC-EXPR | Collaboration - Expired |
MCC-M-RJCT | Collaboration - Rejected by Merchant |
MCC-A-ACPT | Collaboration - Automatic Accept |
MCC-CLSD-MF | Collaboration is closed in merchant favour |
MCC-CLSD-CHF | Collaboration is closed in card holder favour |
INQ | Inquiry-Initiated by Issuer |
INQ-M-RSP | Inquiry Responded by merchant |
INQ-EXPR | Inquiry Expired |
INQ-A-RJCT | Inquiry Automatically Rejected |
INQ-A-CNLD | Inquiry Cancelled (After Refund) |
INQ-M-RFND | Inquiry Accepted (Full Refund) |
INQ-M-P-RFND | Inquiry Partial Accepted (Partial Refund) |
INQ-UPD | Inquiry-Initiated by Issuer (updated) |
IPA-M-ACPT | Pre-Arbitration accepted by merchant |
IPA-M-PART | Pre-Arbitration partially accepted by merchant |
IPA-M-RJCT | Pre-Arbitration rejected by merchant |
IPA-A-ACPT | Pre-Arbitration automatically accepted by merchant |
IPAR-M-ACPT | Rejected Pre-Arb accepted by merchant |
IPAR-A-ACPT | Rejected Pre-Arb expired, automatically accepted by merchant |
CC-I-RCLL | Credit Chargeback - Recalled by issuer |