The Control Panel is a self-service tool that provides reporting, configuration, and operational features for merchants using the Nuvei platform.
Audience and Scope
This guide is written for merchants and their employees assigned to managing reports and handling transaction data. It describes Nuvei’s Control Panel and how to navigate the Control Panel interface, understand the information it provides, and leverage the functionality of the Control Panel.
Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
Transaction: The request made to Nuvei via HTTPS requests when a product or service is exchanged between a customer and a merchant.
Merchant: A client of Nuvei that uses Nuvei for processing transactions.
Customer: The individual purchasing a product or service from a merchant using Nuvei for processing transactions.
Merchant’s Website: The website accessed by the customer when purchasing a product or service.
Payment Process: The process in which Nuvei arranges for funds to transfer from the customer’s credit card/account to the merchant’s account.
The Control Panel introduction includes:
Setting Up and Using the Control Panel
Before using the Control Panel, there a few configurations that must be specified (such as a password), as well as a number of optional features that can be enabled at the merchant’s discretion. The following contains information regarding these configurations along with general information regarding use of the Control Panel.
The right side of the Navigation Bar at the top of the Control Panel contains links to various menus related to the merchant account. Here, the merchant can change the language setting, open the Nuvei Help Center, contact Nuvei Technical Support, manage account notifications, and manage the merchant’s profile.
This page explains the basic format of and instructions that apply to many of the reports that merchants can generate using the Control Panel. The various reports contain information and functionalities that relate to a variety of transactions.
Control Panel GO
Nuvei’s Control Panel GO enables the merchant to access payment activities and manage merchant account data anytime, anywhere. It provides near-real time dashboards with various slice-and-dice options per payment method, acquiring bank, country, and so on.