The Transactions Report contains all the available data for your transactions such as the status of the transaction, whether the currency was converted, and the amount.
Generating a Transaction Report
Refer to the Reports page that explains the basic format of the reports that can be generated using the Control Panel. The page also describes how to use the various settings and filters that allow you to generate a report with only the most relevant data, how to export your report, as well as create, schedule, and manage queries.
To generate a Transaction Report:
- From the Menu bar, select Operations > Transactions.
- Press Manage Page Settings to set which and how parameters are displayed in the report.
- Select the date range of the report from the dropdown.
- Press Filters if you wish to narrow the search parameters for your report.
- Press Run Report. The report is displayed according to the settings and filters you have defined or selected.
Transactions Report
The results are displayed in descending order according to date. For information regarding an icon displayed in the report, scroll over the icon to display a tooltip.
Above the Search Result section, the filters that were used in the search are presented, and these can be used to further refine your search.
Linkage Column
The Linkage column contains two icons:
- Press
to open the Transaction Life Cycle window, which shows a summary of all the transaction details arranged by informational tabs, as well as a history of the transaction as it relates to other transactions (if relevant).
- Press
to show a summary of all the transaction details arranged by the same informational tabs.
Just above the report table is the Actions dropdown, which allows you to perform various actions for the specific transaction (see Actions).
The Actions dropdown above the report enables you to open a help request with Nuvei Support, as well as perform the following actions to the transactions in the report: Refund, Payout, Void, Settle, Void Credit, and Fast Payout. The actual actions available for each transaction depends on the type and status of each individual transaction.
After completing a given action, a message appears at the top of the page showing that the action was approved and a new related transaction ID was assigned, which appears in the Related Transaction ID field.
Contact Support
To contact Support:
- In the Chargeback Report, select the relevant transaction(s).
- In the Actions dropdown, select Contact Support.
- A window opens where you can choose the subject of your question.
- From the Request dropdown, choose the subject of your inquiry. The relevant request form is opened, which includes the Transaction ID(s) of the transaction(s) you selected.
- Fill in the details of your query accordingly.
- Press Preview to view the request before submitting it.
- Press Submit.
After a transaction has been settled by Nuvei through the acquirer bank, you can refund the customer through the Control Panel. If the transaction has yet to be settled, in some cases, you can void the transactions. For more information, see Void.
You can refund a transaction for any amount up to the original payment amount that has been settled, but not a transaction that has been charged back. If you want to credit the customer beyond the original amount, see Payout.
In addition, you can partially refund a transaction multiple times as long as the partial amounts combined are less than or equal to the original transaction.
When you refund a transaction, the original amount of the transaction is displayed. If the transaction was converted to another currency by the customer, the converted amount is also displayed. When you refund the transaction, the transaction is refunded in the converted currency while your account is charged the original amount in the original currency.
To refund a transaction:
- In the Transaction Report, select the relevant transaction.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Refund; the Bulk – Refund window opens.
Note: For non-converted transactions, the Converted Amount field is not displayed. - [optional] Select the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the Client Unique ID associated with the original transaction.
- You can return the original amount or issue a partial refund by entering a different amount in the Action Amount column.
- Press Yes, Submit to have Nuvei process the refund for the original amount of the transaction or for the amount entered.
When you want to pay or credit a customer, you can locate the customer’s original deposit and return funds up to or in excess of the original transaction amount. You can issue a payout for Sale transactions that have been approved or settled. For each transaction, you can issue multiple payouts.
For each payout you issue, an additional transaction is generated with the Trans Type Credit.
To issue a payout:
- In the Transaction Report, select the relevant transaction.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Payout; the Bulk – Payout window opens.
Note: For non-converted transactions, the Converted Amount field is not displayed. - [optional] Select the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the reference number associated with the original transaction or enter the number of a different transaction to which you wish to link this refund.
- You can issue a payout for the original amount or enter a different amount for payout in the Action Amount column.
Note: If the currency of the transaction was converted, you can only issue a payout for the full amount. - Press Yes, Submit to have Nuvei process the payout for the original amount of the transaction or for the amount entered.
You can void a Sale or Auth transaction before the transaction is settled by Nuvei. When you void a Sale or Auth transaction, the original debit transaction does not appear on the customer’s credit card statement as it is canceled before it is settled. Voiding transactions allows you to back out of an erroneous or fraudulent transaction. For Sale transactions, the voided transaction must be processed within 24 hours of the original transaction. If the transaction has already been settled, you can only refund the transaction. For Auth transactions, voiding the Auth transaction releases any funds held as a result of the authorization.
When you request that a transaction be voided, the original amount is displayed. If the transaction was converted to another currency, the converted amount is displayed. Voids are not intended to perform refunding, as such, you can only void the full amount, the original or the converted.
After the transaction is voided, Nuvei displays the transaction three times in the Control Panel. The original transaction that was approved retains the same status, a second transaction with the status Modified, and a third transaction with a new Transaction ID has the status Void.
To void a transaction:
- In the Transaction Report, select the relevant transaction.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Void; the Bulk – Void window opens.
Note: For non-converted transactions, the Converted Amount field is not displayed. - [optional] Select the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the reference number associated with the original transaction or enter the number of a different transaction to which you wish to link this refund.
- Press Yes, Submit, and Nuvei attempts to void the transaction. If the transaction cannot be voided, an error message is displayed. In this situation, you can contact Nuvei Payment Support Team to try to void the credit.
From the Transaction Report, you can locate all your current approved authorized transactions and settle them from within the Control Panel. You can settle any transaction that has not already been settled following an authorization. After you attempt to settle the transaction, the result of the attempt is displayed in the report. If the attempt was successful, the transaction status changes to settle in the report.
When you settle a transaction, the original amount of the transaction is displayed. If the transaction was converted to another currency by the customer, the converted amount is also displayed. When you settle the transaction, the transaction is settled in the original currency while the customer is charged the converted amount in their selected currency.
To settle a transaction:
- In the Transaction Report, select the relevant transaction.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Settle; the Bulk – Settle window opens.
Note: For non-converted transactions, the Converted Amount field is not displayed. - [optional] Select the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the reference number associated with the original transaction or enter the number of a different transaction to which you wish to link this refund.
- You can issue a settlement for the original amount or enter a different amount for settlement in the Action Amount column.
- According to merchant configuration, you can issue a settlement for an amount higher than the Auth amount in the Max Settle Amount column.
- Press Yes, Submit to have Nuvei process the settlement for the original amount of the transaction or for the amount entered.
Void Credit
You can void a Credit transaction before the funds are returned to the customer’s account by Nuvei. When you void a Credit transaction, the credit is not applied to the customer’s account as it is canceled before it is settled. Voiding Credit transactions allows you to back out of an erroneous or fraudulent transaction. If the transaction has already been credited, the funds cannot be returned to your account.
After the transaction is voided, Nuvei displays the transaction three times in the Control Panel. The original transaction that was approved retains the same status, a second transaction with the status Modified, and a third transaction with a new Transaction ID has the status Void Credit.
To void a credit transaction:
- In the Transaction Report, select the relevant transaction.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Void Credit; the Bulk – Void Credit window opens.
Note: For non-converted transactions, the Converted Amount field is not displayed. - [optional] Select the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the reference number associated with the original transaction or enter the number of a different transaction to which you wish to link this refund.
- Press Yes, Submit, and Nuvei attempts to void the credit. If the credit transaction cannot be voided, an error message is displayed. In this situation, you can contact Nuvei Payment Support Team to try to void the credit.
Fast Payout
Fast Payout, also known as Visa Direct (Visa) or MoneySend (Mastercard), is an innovative platform to speed up bank transfer payment processes by routing transactions based on card numbers.
With Fast Payout, the end user receives the funds within 30 minutes.
To issue a fast payout:
- In the Transaction Report, select the relevant transaction.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Fast Payout; the Bulk – Fast Payout window opens.
Note: For non-converted transactions, the Converted Amount field is not displayed. - [optional] Select the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the reference number associated with the original transaction or enter the number of a different transaction to which you wish to link this refund.
- You can issue a fast payout for the original amount or enter a different amount for fast payout in the Action Amount column.
Note: If the currency of the transaction was converted, you can only issue a payout for the full amount. - Press Yes, Submit to have Nuvei process the fast payout for the original amount of the transaction or for the amount entered.
Omnichannel (Card Present)
- Card Present transactions are transactions initiated by dipping/swiping/tapping a card (or other payment devices) against a physical point of sale (POS) terminal, or by manually entering the card details at a terminal.
- Applicable card present transaction types: Sale, Auth, Settle, Void, Refund, Close Batch.
- If you want to search for Card Present transactions, please go to Filters and set the Processing Channel filter to “Card Present”. All details for the relevant transactions appear on the Card Present tab in the report.
- The following actions are allowed or not allowed for card present transactions using the Control Panel:
- Refund and Payout are allowed for transaction types Sale and Settle, but only for cleared transactions (
Was Transmitted
parameter = YES) - No actions allowed for Auth.
- Void for card present transactions is not allowed via the Control Panel, only via the terminal.
- Refund and Payout are allowed for transaction types Sale and Settle, but only for cleared transactions (
Bulk Actions
The Bulk Actions feature enables you perform an action to numerous transactions at a time. The actual actions available for each transaction depends on the type and status of each individual transaction.
To perform a bulk action:
- In the report table, use the individual checkboxes in the leftmost column to select the transactions desired, or the top checkbox to select all transactions, to take one of the available actions.
- Press the Actions dropdown above the report and select an available action (non-applicable actions appear faded).
A pop-up window appears showing all transactions for which the action is possible. - For refunds, payouts and settlements, the amount may be edited by entering an amount in the text box in the Action Amount column. For refunds and settlements, the adjusted amount must be lower than the original amount.
- For all actions, you can use the Copy referral details checkbox to retrieve the reference number associated with the original transaction or enter the number of a different transaction to which you wish to link this refund.
- You can optionally add a comment to the action.
- Press Yes, Submit to confirm and a pop-up message confirms the action and the transactions are updated accordingly. Each of the individual transactions performed by the bulk action receive a new transaction ID, which is displayed in the confirmation pop-up.
- [Optional] Press Export to download a report of the actions performed.
Report Parameters
This section provides tables that describe the parameters that can be selected to be displayed in the report arranged by tabs using Manage Report Settings.
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Date | The date and time when the transaction was submitted. | The selected time range from the previous three years’ transactions that are to be searched. General reports (without using any search parameters) can be generated in intervals of up to six months. The date range for searches of specific parameters may be up to 12 months. This field is always displayed. |
Transaction ID | The Nuvei transaction ID. | When searching for a specific transaction, the Date Range value is ignored and the results of your transaction search are displayed for the past 180 days. This field is always displayed. |
Related Transaction ID | The transaction ID of the related transaction when two transactions are related to each other. | This field is relevant for the following transaction flows or uses cases: Auth-Settle, Auth3D-Sale, Sale-Credit, Sale-Void, and Sale-Sale (only in rebilling transactions). |
Transaction Type | The transaction type of the transaction. | By default, six kinds of financial transactions are selected. This means that only transactions that have financial impact are presented by default. To view additional transaction types, you can select transactions listed under Others or you can use “Select All”. |
Authorization Type | The type of authorization given to a transaction. Possible values: Pre-authorization: When the merchant does not yet know the amount to be captured. It allows the merchant to increase or decrease the initially authorized amount later. Final Authorization: The final amount is approved by the cardholder, and the transaction will definitely be captured in full. The authorized amount cannot be adjusted. | |
Currency | The (original) currency of the transaction. | This may be different from the final currency of the transaction when the transaction is converted to another currency. |
Amount | The (original) amount of the transaction. | This may be different from the final amount of the transaction when the transaction is converted to another currency. |
Transaction Result | This field indicates the result of a transaction. | When the transaction is modified, this field indicates the initial status of a transaction and then any subsequent changes. If a transaction does change status, a link to the related transaction appears in the Related Transaction ID field. This field is always displayed. The following results are the most common: Approved, Declined, Error, Filter Error, Canceled The Return result indicates the correction from Approved to Declined for deposit (sale) and Credit (Payout) transactions. In addition, settled transactions may be reversed by a consumer's bank due to exceptional circumstances. When a consumer's bank returns a settled payment, the transaction result is Return. This is relevant for merchants who are processing under the echeckselect payment method with the Mazooma Direct bank. |
Is Partial Approval | Defines whether partial approval was executed. | This field is always displayed. |
Reason Code | The reason that a transaction was declined by a bank. | The following results are the most common: |
Filter Reason | The reason that a transaction was filtered by Nuvei. | Approved, Declined, Error, Filter Error, Canceled |
Processing Channel | Indicates the channel used in the transaction. | The Return result indicates the correction from Approved to Declined for deposit (sale) and Credit (Payout) transactions. In addition, settled transactions may be reversed by a consumer's bank due to exceptional circumstances. When a consumer's bank returns a settled payment, the transaction result is Return. |
Acquiring Bank | The acquirer bank or APM involved in the movement. | This is relevant for merchants who are processing under the echeckselect payment method with the Mazooma Direct bank. |
Multi-client | The multi-client account in which the transaction was processed. | Multi-client accounts are made up of client accounts, each with their own transactions. |
Client Name | The name of the merchant account that was set in the payments Gateway and is associated with the transaction. | |
Site Name | Cashier site ID created by Nuvei. | |
APM Reference | The reference number of the APM used for the transaction. | |
Affiliate | The name of the affiliate from which the transaction originated. | |
PPP Order ID | The Order ID that Nuvei generates for each transaction processed through the payment page. | |
Bank Transaction ID | A transaction ID provided by the APM or bank. | |
Client Unique ID | The ID of the transaction in the merchant’s system. | This value must be unique. This field is always displayed. |
Auth Code | The transaction's authorization code provided by the issuer bank. | |
Custom Data | Any custom data you want displayed in the transaction details in the report. | |
Is Credited | Indicates if the transaction was credited or not. | |
Credit Type | The type of credit for transactions in which the customer was credited. Possible values: Refund – The customer is credited up to the full amount of the original transaction. Payout – The customer can be credited up to or beyond the original transaction. Fast Payout – The customer can be credited up to or beyond the original transaction within 30 minutes. Not a credit – When the transaction is not a refund or a payout. | |
Is Cascaded | Indicates if the transaction was cascaded. | If you select Yes, the cascaded details are displayed in additional table. |
Is Modified | Indicates if the transaction was modified. | If this filter is set to No, the Modification Reason filter is disabled. |
Modification Reason | When displaying modified transactions, displays the reason the transaction was modified. | If the Is Modified filter is set to No, this filter is disabled. |
Product ID | The alpha-numeric code that you assigned for a product. | |
URL | The name of the site as defined by you through the customSiteName parameter. | If not defined, it is the name as configured in the Nuvei system. |
Entry Mode | Indicates the point of sale entry mode. Possible values: Contactless ICC Contactless magstripe ICC Read (chip) ICC Read (chip)+PIN Magnetic stripe swiped Manually (key-entered) | |
Terminal ID | Identifier for the terminal. | The value of this parameter is chosen by you from a range that Nuvei provides. This parameter also appears under the Card Present tab. |
Terminal Country | The country where the terminal is located. | This parameter also appears under the Card Present tab. |
Offline Transaction | Indicates if the Card Present transaction was not authorized prior to being settled. Relevant for card present transactions. | Authorization is the process of checking the validity and available balance of a customer's credit card prior to the transaction being accepted. Settlement is when the funds are actually transferred from the customer to the merchant. Based on the transaction type specified in the authorization request, the Gateway initiates the settlement step. As part of the settlement process, the Gateway will send a settlement request to the financial institution to request a transfer of funds. This parameter also appears under the Card Present tab. |
Merchant Attendance | Indicates if the merchant was present during the card-present transaction. | This parameter also appears under the Card Present tab. |
Is Currency Converted | Indicates if the transaction currency was converted or not. | |
ARN | The Acquirer Reference Number associated with the transaction. | |
RRN | The Reference Retrieval Number is a unique identifier generated by the payment service for a specific merchant, which can be used to retrieve the original transaction data. | Relevant for transaction types: Auth, Sale, Settle, and Voids. |
Lifecycle ID | The Lifecycle ID is determined by the first Transaction ID in a series of transactions in a timeline. | |
Is Fast Funds | Indicates whether the sub-integration process of the payment method is Fast Payout or not. | |
Provider Decline Reason | Decline reason as returned by the Provider’s API. | |
Descriptor | Transaction’s merchant identifier for card statement. | |
Sub-merchant Name | The name of the submerchant under the Payment Facilitator (PayFac) account. | |
Sub-merchant Country | The country of the submerchant. | |
Sub-merchant City | The city of the submerchant. | |
Subscription ID | The ID number of the recurring subscription. | |
Was Transmitted | Indicates if the transaction was transmitted to the acquirer bank or not. | |
Encrypted ID | This is the APM Reference ID. | |
Batch ID | Indicates the batch number for clearing. | Relevant only for merchants processing with Nuvei NA acquiring and for card present transactions. |
BSP Country | The country associated with the Billing and Settlement Plan to which the transaction is related. | The value of this field is the country's flag/icon when available. You can place your mouse over the flag to display the name of the country in a tooltip. |
Converted Amount | The final amount of the transaction in the converted currency. | This may be different from the original amount of the transaction when the transaction is converted to another currency. |
Network Token Used | Indicates if the token generated by the scheme was used or not. Possible values: Yes No empty | Relevant for Mastercard and Visa. |
Invoice | Invoice numeric value received from the merchant. | This parameter is related to Omnichannel transactions, and it appears when the processing channel is set to "Card Present." |
Scheme Identifier | Scheme transaction identifier for Visa Direct. | |
Tip | A numeric value representing the part of the total transaction amount for a tip. | This parameter is related to Omnichannel transactions, and it appears when the processing channel is set to "Card Present." |
Provider Additional Information | The information is presented in JSON format. | Example: EMAIL=****@gmail.com&PAYERID= ***&PAYERSTATUS=verified& SALUTATION=&FIRSTNAME=John &LASTNAME=Doe& BILLINGNAME=John Doe &STREET=1 Any Street &CITY=Cityville&STATE= &ZIP= 12345&COUNTRY=GB &COUNTRYNAME=United Kingdom &ADDRESSID=PayPal &ADDRESSSTATUS=Confirmed |
Cashback Amount | A numeric value representing the part of the total transaction amount for cashback (a certain percentage of money back). | |
Original Client | Original Client. | |
Surcharge Amount | A numeric value representing the surcharged part of the total transaction amount. | Surcharge is the tax additional charge. |
Industry | The industry name that is associated with the client. | |
Clerk ID | A numeric value representing the worker who submitted the transaction. | This parameter is related to Omnichannel transactions, and it appears when the processing channel is set to "Card Present." |
APM Request ID | Describes the Request ID that Nuvei generates when Nuvei sends the request to the APM provider. | Relevant only for APMs. This parameter can be used to search for transactions in free text search. |
Refund Authorization Status | "Online Refund" refers to the act of sending an authorization request to card schemes for Refund transactions, rather than simply including them in the clearing process. This indicates whether an authorization for a refund request has been approved or declined by the payment provider. Nevertheless, Nuvei might attempt to clear the refund regardless. Possible Values: Refund authorization attempted and declined by issuer Refund authorization attempted and approved by issuer Refund authorization attempted and ended in error No refund authorization | • The Online Refund is applicable only if it is configured for the merchant and for Nuvei Acquiring. • Relevant only for Credits transaction type. • This parameter can be used in Select Filters. |
Is Prepaid | Indicates if the card used for deposits is pre-paid or not. | |
Personal ID | The user's Personal ID number. | |
Lot Number | This is the Batch file Number which is identifier of the closing file generated by Nuvei for the banks. | |
Trace Number | This is the ID of transaction inside the Lot Number (Generated for the banks), | |
Number of Installments | The number of scheduled, evenly-divided payments used to spread out the cost of a purchase over time. | |
Anticipation Type | The time when the transaction installments are included in the merchant balance. Possible values: NA – No Anticipation Type STD – Each payment according to the payment plan. A01 – The total transaction amount after one day. A30 – The total transaction amount after 30 days. | |
Installment Funding Type | Indicates who obtained or allocated the funds to cover the scheduled installments. Possible values: Issuer Acquirer | |
External Auth Date | Indicates the date and time the authorization was processed by TSYS/Tango. | |
External Token Provider | The external provider that provides the token for a credit card transaction. | |
Subscription Type | Indicates the recurring type. Possible values: MIT (Merchant Initiate Transaction) – One-time Payment Recurring – Regular, recurring charging of the user | |
Subscription Step | Indicates the recurring transaction type. Possible values: Initial Transaction Subsequent Transaction | |
Is AFT | Indicates if the transaction is a Visa Account Funding Transaction (AFT). Possible values: Yes No | This is a transaction in which funds are pulled from a Visa account and subsequently used to fund another Visa or non-Visa account. |
MC Data Only | Indicates if additional transaction risk data was shared with the issuing bank for non-3DS Mastercard transactions to help improve authorization rates and reduce fraud. | |
Source Application | Indicates the source of a transaction that was manually uploaded. Possible values: Control Panel Batch Upload Control Panel Case Management Control Panel Transaction Control Panel Paylink | |
National Consumption Tax | A tax levied by the government on the sale of goods and services within a country. | Often used to fund national programs and services. It is typically applied at the point of consumption, meaning the tax is paid by the end consumer rather than the producer. |
VAT | A consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the production or distribution chain. | The final tax is paid by the consumer, but businesses collect and remit the tax to the government. |
Airport Charge | A fee imposed on passengers to cover the costs associated with airport services and infrastructure. | This can include security, maintenance, and operational expenses, and is typically added to the price of a flight ticket or billed separately. |
Merchant Advice | Guides Mastercard merchants on how to proceed after an authorization request is declined. | |
Issuer Reason Code | Presents the decline reason returned by issuer bank. |
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Payment Method | The icon of the payment method used for the transaction. | |
Payment Option | The sub-integration process of the payment method (i.e. fast checkout) used for the transaction. | |
Payment Sub-method | The payment channel used on the provider side. | |
PAN | First digit and last four digits of the credit card. | For example: 4***********7917 In Filters, the merchant can use the buttons just above the PAN text box to toggle between Credit/Debit Card and Alternative Method. When the transaction is for an APM, this field appears as ACCOUNT ID instead of PAN. |
Issuing Country | The location of the credit or debit card provider. | This icon represents the country's flag. You can place your mouse over the flag to see the country's name in a tooltip. |
BIN | The first six digits of the credit/debit card that identifies the issuing institute. | |
Card Type | Indicates what kind of card was used. Possible values: Debit Debit anonymous prepaid Debit prepaid Credit | |
Expiration Date | The expiration date of the payment card. | |
Issuer Bank | The name of the issuer bank for credit card transactions. | |
Name on Card | The customer's name as it appears on their credit/debit card. | |
Card Brand | Card scheme sub-brand. | |
Card Product Type | Indicator if a card is a consumer or corporate type. | |
External Scheme Identifier | Unique card group reference code that can be transmitted during a transaction and that refers to another transaction generated within the group. | |
UPO | The user payment option IDs of the registered payment methods associated with the User Token ID. |
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Billing Country | The customer's country. | The value of this field is the country's flag/icon when available. You can place your mouse over the flag to display the name of the country in a tooltip. |
IP Country | The country where the IP address is located. | |
Email Address | The customer's email address. | You can view transactions that have been processed for the customer for the previous year by entering the customer's email address and changing the Date Range of the report. |
User ID | The customer's ID that you assigned to the customer. | You can view specific users that have processed transactions according to their User ID in the previous year by entering the User ID and changing the Date Range. |
Billing First Name | The cardholder's first name. | |
Billing Last Name | The cardholder's last name. | |
Billing Address | The cardholder's address. | |
Billing City | The customer's city of residence. | |
Billing State | The customer's state. | |
ZIP Code (Billing ZIP) | The customer's ZIP code. | |
Billing Phone | The customer's phone number. | |
IP Address | The customer's IP address. | |
Device Type | The type of device. Possible values: Desktop Mobile Tablet TV Unknown | |
Device Name | Indicates the model name of the device. | Examples: Apple iPhone, Samsung GT-S7390, Google Nexus 10, Nokia Lumia 820 |
Device OS | The operating system of the device. | Examples: Android, iOS, Windows 10 |
User Token ID | Uniquely identifies the user in the merchant’s system. | The merchant passes this parameter to Nuvei. |
Billing Middle Name | The cardholder's middle name. | |
Name Verification Request Result | Refers to the immediate outcome of the name check when the verification process occurs. It is a preliminary result based on whether the name matches or not. It indicates whether the cardholder name verification result was performed or not. Possible values: Name match performed Name match not performed Name match not supported |
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Transaction Highlights | Presents various important aspects of a particular transaction. | Currently, this column indicates if Liability Shift is YES or NO for Sale transactions. |
AVS Result | The AVS processor’s response. Possible values: A – Address matches, ZIP does not E – Ineligible transaction G – Address information unavailable N – Neither address nor ZIP matches R – Retry (system unavailable or timed out) S – Card type not supported U – Address information unavailable W – 9-digit ZIP match, address does not X – Exact match, 9-digit ZIP and address Y – Address and 5-digit ZIP match Z – 5-digit ZIP matches, address does not | |
CVV2 Result | The CVV2 response. Possible values: D – Invalid security code M – Match N – Not Match P – Not Processed S – CVV should be on the card but the merchant indicates it is not U – User is unregistered Y – Match | |
Is 3D | Indicates if the transaction was processed in 3D Mode. | Yes: The transaction was managed in 3D mode. No: The transaction was not managed in 3D mode. Not Managed: Your transactions are not managed by Nuvei. |
ECI | The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI) indicates the level of security used in a 3D program when the cardholder provides payment information to the merchant. Possible ECI data values are: Visa: 5 – The cardholder was successfully authenticated. 6 – The issuer or cardholder does not participate in a 3DS program. 7 – Payment authentication was not performed. Mastercard: 2 – The cardholder was successfully authenticated. 1 – The issuer or cardholder does not participate in a 3DS program. 6 – Payment authentication was not performed. 7 – The cardholder was successfully authenticated for the initial MIT. If the ECI value was downgraded (usually from 5>7), the column indicates both the original ECI value and the new one. | This parameter is displayed only for 3DS transactions. |
Authentication Status | The result of the 3D authentication process. Possible values: N – Authentication failed U – Authentication could not be performed E – Error Y – Authentication successful A – Attempts processing performed | |
Enrollment Status | Indicates if the customer is enrolled in 3DS. Possible values: N – Cardholder not participating U – Unable to authenticate E – Critical field validation failed Y – Card participate | |
PSD2 Scope | Indicates if transaction jurisdiction is included in the directive scope of the second payment service. | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
Is SCA Mandated | Indicates if a transaction is required to mandate a strong customer verification. | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
3D Version | Indicates which version of the 3DS protocol was used for processing. | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
3D Message Version | Indicates the version of the 3DS. Possible values: 2.0.1 2.1.0 2.2.0 | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
Authentication Flow | Indicates the final decision of authentication in a 3DS flow, derived by the combination of an Acquirer and Issuer decisions. Possible values: Frictionless – User authentication step up was waived by the Issuer bank. Chargeback Liability Shift is with the Issuer. Challenge – User authentication step-up was required by the Issuer bank. Chargeback Liability Shift is with the Issuer in case that challenge was successfully completed. 3D Flow halted due to technical reasons – User authentication failed for technical reasons. Exemption – User authentication step up was exempted by the Issuer bank following acquirer request. Chargeback Liability Shift is with the merchant. | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
Is Liability Shift | Indicates whether a transaction is granted with a fraud chargeback liability shift. | If Yes, liability shift is on the issuer. If No, liability shift is on the merchant (this is a generalisation, not a guarantee). This applies to all 3DS versions. |
Is External MPI | Indicates the source of 3DS transactions. | This is only supported from 3DS version 2.2 and above. This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
Acquirer Decision | Indicates if the transaction was exempted from a challenge flow and was requested by the Acquirer. | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
Acquirer Decision Reason | The exemption indicator that was sent to the Issuer bank. | This field is also visible in the Timeline area in the Transaction Life Cycle for Auth3D transactions. |
Authentication Status Reason | The authentication status reason for 3DS Auth3D transactions. |
IBT Enrichment
This tab is populated only for merchants that are processing with payment method = echeckselect, and bank = Mazooma Direct.
Parameter | Description | Notes |
U.S. State | The state where the payment transaction amount is used. | |
Routing | The consumer's bank routing number provided by the merchant. | |
Account | The consumer's bank account number. | |
Account Type | The consumer's bank account type provided by the merchant. Possible values: Checking Savings | |
R.R. | The Risk/Limit rating assigned to the consumer. | |
eCSErrCd | The error code for declined or rejected transactions. | |
OBTErrCd | The error code by IBT for declined or rejected transactions. | |
Error Code Description | The error description for declined or rejected transactions. | |
Notification Status | The status of the transaction notification between Instant Bank Transfer and the merchant system. Possible values: Notify completed Notify initiated Notification sent Not required | |
OBT Error Code Description | The IBT error description for declined or rejected transactions. | |
Ext Ref No | The transaction reference number in the ACH batch file, which is sent to the bank by IBT. | |
Channel (Payment Method) | The payment method used to process the payout transaction. | |
Payee | The transaction payee (the merchant). | |
Merchant Settlement CAT (Return Category) | The return category. | Populated only when Transaction Result is Return. |
Merchant Settlement AMT | The amount deducted from the merchant account balance. | The merchant account balance is not adjusted until after the final representation attempt. |
Merchant Settlement CUR | The 3-letter ISO currency code of the amount deducted from the merchant account balance. | |
FI Settlement Date (Recent Return) | The date of the most recent return. | |
FI Settlement ECS Code (Return Code) | The ACH return code based on the reason for the return. | |
FI Settlement ECS Code Return Reason | The ACH return code reason according to this Transaction Returns table. | |
FI Settlement Obt Code (Mazooma Return Code) | The ACH return code by Mazooma. | |
FI Settlement Obt Code Description (Mazooma Return Description) | The ACH return code description by Mazooma. |
Transactions Summary Report
The Transactions Summary Report displays transactions updated with the latest corrections. For example, if transactions were pending and then were approved, merchants only see the approved transactions.
In addition to the regular Transaction Report, you can generate a smaller report that presents the following parameters according to the time range and other filters you selected.
- Transaction Type
- Currency
- Transaction Result
- Total Count
- Sum Amount
To display the Transaction Summary Report:
- From the Search Options Bar, press Summary Report: Yes from the dropdown.
- Enter and select the relevant details for the relevant search fields in the Transaction Information, Payment Information, Consumer Billing Information, and Authentication Information areas.
- Press Run Report and the Summary report is displayed.
Sample Transactions Report
Press here to download a sample of an exported report.
Press here to download a file that shows the grid column format.