Nuvei NA Balance provides you with details about the merchant’s available balance during a given time frame. The report can be modified based on various factors, and can be presented in multiple formats.
The report is relevant for transactions processed via a Nuvei acquirer in Canada or the United States for purchase and OCT transactions.
The report is set in accordance with the UTC time zone, not the merchant’s time zone.
The balance is presented per day or per month according to the summary period, and is grouped by day or month.
The OCT Payout (close) balance is calculated as follows:
OCT Payout (close) Balance = OCT Payout + OCT Payout (open) Balance
The Other Reserve (close) balance is calculated as follows:
Other Reserve (close) Balance = Other Reserve + Other Reserve (open) Balance
Report Filters
The following filters are available when generating an Nuvei NA Balance report:
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Summary Period | Define how often the report displays summaries of your account's activity. | You can search up to 3 years back. The current day is not available. |
Start - End | Select the date range of the report. | |
Acquirer Bank | Select the acquirer bank. | US and CA acquirer banks configured for your account are displayed. Acquirer Bank is a required field. |
Currency | Select the currency. | Only CAD and USD currencies are available. By default, ‘Any’ presents both CAD and USD. |
Balance View | Select how the report displays your transactions. All collapsed: Only the total activity per period per currency link is displayed. This link displays the total of your transactions throughout the report for the defined period of time. You can press this link to display each transaction that occurred in your account during the defined time period. All expanded: Displays each movement type that occurred in your account during the defined time period. |
Generating an Nuvei NA Balance Report
Refer to the Reports page that explains the basic format of the reports that can be generated using the Control Panel. The page also describes how to create, schedule, and manage queries.
To generate an Nuvei NA Balance report:
- From the Menu bar, select Finance > Nuvei NA > Nuvei NA Balance.
- Use the Report Filters to narrow the search parameters for your report.
- Press Run Report. The report is displayed according to the filters you have selected.
Nuvei NA Balance Report
In the Nuvei NA Balance report, your activity is displayed according to the time interval you select. The opening and closing balance is displayed with each change, positive and negative. The data is displayed in Red or Green. Green indicates a positive change in your account, while Red indicates a negative change.
The following table describes the information displayed in the report:
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Details | Press ![]() | The Details icon appears when OCT Payout or Other Reserve are not zero. |
Activity | An activity is any movement of funds to or from your OCT Balance or Reserve Balance.
| |
From/To | The period of time in which the results of the report are based. | |
Currency | The 3-letter code of the Settlement currency. | |
Count (Total for Period) | The total count of activities under the details icon. | |
OCT Payout (Total for Period) | The total of OCT reserve movement\elements that affect the OCT reserve balance. | |
Other Reserve (Total for Period) | The balance of the OCT reserve when it is managed as a separate balance (as in North America). | |
Outstanding Amount (Total for Period) | Refers to a functionality set at the merchant level, which ensures that the merchant's settlement account cannot have a negative balance. | The merchant can only receive payouts that bring their account balance to zero or higher. If the sum of their Chargebacks (CHBs), Credits, and Other Charges (OCT) results in a negative balance for the day, no payout is made to the merchant. |
OCT Payout Balance (Total for Period) | The total of other reserve elements that affect the reserve balance. | |
Other Reserve Balance (Total for Period) | All reserve balances besides the OCT reserve balance. |
Sample Nuvei NA Balance Report
Press here to download a sample of an exported report.