Only the REST GET operation is available in the Merchant Dashboard API.
Each GET operation returns a specific set of Merchant transaction data for the date range specified:
- ACH Transactions
- Credit Transactions
- Authorization Transactions
- Dispute Transactions
- Funding Transactions
- Batch Transactions
For ease of use and development, the same GET operation name is used in each environment.
The general format of the URLs is as follows:
Sandbox Testing URL:<GET Operation Name>
- Example:
Production Live URL:<GET Operation Name>
- Example:
Each GET operation is listed below, along with its purpose, parameters, and a description of the data returned.
This GET operation returns a list of ACH Transactions for the date range requested.
GET Operation Name: GetACHTransactions
Name | Required | Description | Format | Example |
startDate | Yes | The filter beginning date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-08-01 |
endDate | Yes | The filter ending date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-26 |
dateType | Type of date to filter by: 0 = Transaction DateTime1 = EffectiveDate 2 = DateCode |
Production Example:
Information Returned:
# | Key Fields Returned | Field Description |
1 | EntityID | Entity Identifier |
2 | TransactionDateTime | Transaction date and time on the ACH Provider |
3 | BatchNumber | Batch number – assigned by the ACH Provider |
4 | OriginatedAs | Transaction originated as – ‘ACH’ is the default value – assigned by the ACH Provider |
5 | IsDuplicate | Duplicate flag used by the ACH Provider |
6 | EffectiveDate | Transaction date and time transaction was sent on the ACH Provider |
7 | FaceFeeType | It designates the type of fee being charged. Default is null – assigned by the ACH Provider |
8 | TransactionStatus | Transaction has been declined/processed – assigned by the ACH Provider |
9 | PaymentType | The type of payment being requested – checking (default), money order, Mastercard – assigned by the ACH Provider |
10 | NameOnAccount | Cardholder Name |
11 | TransactionNumber | Unique Transaction number |
12 | ReferenceNumber | Unique Transaction number – assigned by the ACH Provider |
13 | CustomerNumber | Unique identifier for each customer – assigned by the ACH Provider |
14 | OperationType | Operation type; sale, auth, capture – assigned by the ACH Provider |
15 | LocationName | Merchant name |
16 | TotalAmount | Total transaction amount |
17 | AuthResponse | It designates the response code of a transaction – assigned by the ACH Provider |
18 | PaymentOrigin | Origin of the payment (Internet, Telephone, Signature_original) – assigned by the ACH Provider |
19 | SettlementStatus | Transaction status is settled – assigned by the ACH Provider |
20 | AccountNumber | Account number – assigned by the ACH Provider |
21 | CheckNumber | Check number of the transaction – assigned by the ACH Provider |
22 | CustField1 | Custom field – assigned by the ACH Provider – this field is unused and is expected to be returned blank |
23 | CustField2 | Custom field – assigned by the ACH Provider – this field is unused and is expected to be returned blank |
24 | CustField3 | Custom field – assigned by the ACH Provider – this field is unused and is expected to be returned blank |
25 | Field1 | Custom field – assigned by the ACH Provider – this field is unused and is expected to be returned blank |
26 | Field2 | Custom field – assigned by the ACH Provider – this field is unused and is expected to be returned blank |
27 | Field3 | Custom field – assigned by the ACH Provider – this field is unused and is expected to be returned blank |
28 | ThirdPartyReferenceNumber | Third party number – assigned by the ACH Provider |
29 | AuditUserName | User name – assigned by the ACH Provider |
30 | EventDateTime | Historical time events of a transaction – assigned by the ACH Provider |
31 | EventType | Event status type from ACH provider – Settled, declined, approved, originated |
32 | EventDataString | Event description of a transaction – Success, velocity exceeded |
33 | OwnerApplication | Application owner – e.g. – Web service – assigned by the ACH Provider |
34 | ReceivingApplication | Source of the application – e.g. – Web service – assigned by the ACH Provider |
35 | OwnerAppReferenceId | Owner application reference ID – assigned by the ACH Provider |
36 | ReturnCode | Return Entry Codes – assigned by the ACH Provider |
37 | Notice_Of_Change | NOC code + ‘-‘ + description – assigned by the ACH Provider |
38 | MainAgent | Main agent identifier |
39 | Mid | Merchant identifier |
40 | AchMid | Ach merchant identifier |
41 | AchLid | The Location Identifier assigned to the merchant by Jack Henry for ACH processing |
GET Credit Transactions
This GET operation returns a list of Credit Transactions for the date range requested.
GET Operation Name: GetCreditTransactions
Name | Required | Description | Format | Example |
startDate | Yes | The filter beginning date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-08-01 |
endDate | Yes | The filter ending date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-26 |
Production Example:
Information Returned:
# | Key Fields Returned | Field Description |
1 | MID | Merchant Identifier |
2 | MaskedPAN | Masked Credit card number |
3 | TransactionNumber | Unique Transaction Number |
4 | ARN | Acquirer Reference Number |
5 | TransactionDate | Date of the transaction |
6 | EntryMode | Way card processed: card present, card-not-present, swipes, chip |
7 | TransactionType | Type for Credit Card used for Transaction |
8 | CardType | Type for Credit Card used for Transaction |
9 | AuthCode | Authorization Code |
10 | Amount | The amount of the transaction |
11 | TID | Terminal ID |
12 | BatchCloseDate | The date the batch was closed |
13 | BatchID | The identifier of the batch |
14 | CVVResponse | CVV validation response |
15 | AuthResponseCode | The authorization response code |
16 | AVSResponseCode | Address verification response |
17 | TransactionCurrencyCode | The currency code of the transaction |
18 | CardholderCurrencyCode | The currency code of the cardholder |
19 | CardholderConversionRate | Conversion rate of the transaction if applicable |
20 | CardholderAmount | The amount of the transaction in native currency |
21 | CardCategory | The broad category identifying the type of card that was used for the transaction.
Possible values: BANKCARD – Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover) DEBIT – Debit Card AMEX – American Express OTHER – Other Card Types |
22 | CardCategory2 | Identifies the specific card brand associated with the transaction.
Possible values: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Debit, Other |
23 | OrderID | The order identifier supplied by merchant |
24 | UniqueRef | The unique transaction identifier |
25 | ClerkID | The Clerk ID associated with this transaction. |
26 | Gateway_Terminal | The end gateway terminal number. |
GET Authorization Transactions
This GET operation returns a list of Authorization Transactions for the date range requested.
GET Operation Name: GetAuthorizationTransactions
Name | Required | Description | Format | Example |
startDate | Yes | The filter beginning date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-08-01 |
endDate | Yes | The filter ending date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-26 |
Production Example:
Information Returned:
# | Key Fields Returned | Field Description |
1 | MID | Merchant Identifier |
2 | MaskedPAN | Masked Credit card number |
3 | TransactionNumber | Unique Transaction Number |
4 | RetrievalReferenceNumber | Links incremental/estimated sales to original authorization request |
5 | TransactionDate | Date of the transaction |
6 | EntryMode | Way card processed: card present, card-not-present, swipes, chip |
7 | TransactionType | Type of transaction (Sale, refund, etc) |
8 | CardType | Type for Credit Card used for Transaction |
9 | AuthCode | Authorization Code |
10 | Amount | The amount of the transaction |
11 | TID | Terminal ID |
12 | TransactionCurrencyCode | The currency code of the transaction |
13 | CardCategory | The broad category identifying the type of card that was used for the transaction.
Possible values: BANKCARD – Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard/Discover) DEBIT – Debit Card AMEX – American Express OTHER – Other Card Types |
14 | CardCategory2 | Identifies the specific card brand associated with the transaction.
Possible values: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Debit, Other |
15 | MTI | Message Type Indicator (numeric code identifying transaction type) |
16 | ResponseCode | Auth Response Code (approved, declined, NSF, etc.) |
GET Dispute Transactions
This GET operation returns a list of Dispute Transactions for the date range requested.
GET Operation Name: GetDisputeTransactions
Name | Required | Description | Format | Example |
startDate | Yes | The filter beginning date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-08-01 |
endDate | Yes | The filter ending date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-26 |
Production Example:
Information Returned:
# | Key Fields Returned | Field Description |
1 | DisputeDate | The date of the dispute |
2 | DisputeType | The type of dispute submitted |
3 | DisputeAmount | The amount of the dispute |
4 | CardType | Card type of the dispute |
5 | CaseNumber | The case number of the dispute |
6 | ARN | Acquirer Reference Number |
7 | OriginalTransactionDate | The date of the disputed transaction |
8 | ReasonDescKey | The dispute reason key |
9 | ReasonDesc | A description of the dispute |
10 | ResolutionDate | The date the dispute was resolved |
11 | BatchID | The associated batch |
12 | MID | Merchant identifier |
13 | PAN | Masked card number |
GET Funding Transactions
This GET operation returns a list of Funding Transactions for the date range requested.
GET Operation Name: GetFundingTransactions
Name | Required | Description | Format | Example |
startDate | Yes | The filter beginning date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-08-01 |
endDate | Yes | The filter ending date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-26 |
Production Example:
Information Returned:
# | Key Fields Returned | Field Description |
1 | MID | Merchant identifier |
2 | BatchDesc | The batch description |
3 | CodeDescription | The funding transaction type.
Possible values: Credit, Credit Prenotification, Credit Return, Debit, Debit Prenotification, Debit Return, Deposit, Payment |
4 | FundingDate | The date of funding |
5 | Amount | The amount that was funded |
6 | RecordCount | Number of transactions in the funding |
7 | RefNumber | Funding reference number |
8 | Batch | Associated batch for the funding if applicable |
GET Batch Transactions
This GET operation returns a list of Batch Transactions for the date range requested.
GET Operation Name: GetBatchTransactions
Name | Required | Description | Format | Example |
startDate | Yes | The filter beginning date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-08-01 |
endDate | Yes | The filter ending date | YYYY-MM-DD | 2017-09-26 |
Production Example:
Information Returned:
# | Key Fields Returned | Field Description |
1 | BatchID | Batch Identifier |
2 | TID | Terminal Identifier |
3 | BatchCloseDate | The close date of the batch |
4 | SaleCnt | The number of sales in the batch |
5 | ReturnCnt | The number of returns in the batch |
6 | SaleAmt | The total amount of all sales |
7 | ReturnAmt | The total amount of all returns |
8 | BatchNet | The total net amount of the batch |
9 | BankCardCnt | The number of bank card transactions in the batch |
10 | BankCardAmt | The total amount of bank card transactions |
11 | DebitCnt | The number of debit transactions |
12 | DebitAmt | The total amount of debit transactions |
13 | AmexCnt | The number of American Express transactions |
14 | AmexAmt | The total amount of American Express transactions |
15 | OtherCnt | The number of other transactions |
16 | OtherAmt | The total amount of other transactions |
17 | MID | Merchant Identifier |