Follow these steps to perform a payment:

1. Generate a sessionToken

Press here for details.

2. Register a userTokenId

When relevant, it is preferable that a merchant uses the userTokenId generated from a payment transaction that was previously performed. If so, skip to Step 3.

A userTokenId is a field in the Nuvei system containing the user’s identifier in the Merchant system.

If you do not have a userTokenId registered in the Nuvei system for this user, then register one by sending a /createUser request including an email and countryCode.

Example /createUser Request
  "merchantId":"<your merchantId>",
  "merchantSiteId":"<your merchantSiteId>",
  "clientRequestId":"<unique request ID in merchant system>",
  "userTokenId":"<unique user identifier in merchant system>",
  "email":"[email protected]",
  "countryCode":"<2-letter ISO country code>",
  "checksum":"<calculated checksum>"
Example /createUser Response

The request registers the userTokenId (userId) in the Nuvei system.

3. Send a /payment Request

Perform the payment by sending a /payment request with its mandatory parameters including:

  • userTokenId
  • amount
  • currency
  • paymentOption.alternativePaymentMethod block containing:
    • paymentMethod: "apmgw_PayCash"
  • deviceDetails block containing: ipAddress
  • billingAddress block containing: country and email
  • userDetails block containing: country
Example /payment Request
  "sessionToken":"<sessionToken from /getSessionToken>",
  "merchantId":"<your merchantId>",
  "merchantSiteId":"<your merchantSiteId>",
  "clientRequestId":"<unique request ID in merchant system>",
  "userTokenId":"<unique customer identifier in merchant system>",
  "clientUniqueId":"<unique transaction ID in merchant system>",
    "ipAddress":"<customer's IP address>"
    "email":"[email protected]"
  "checksum":"<calculated checksum>"

The response generates and returns a redirect URL (redirectUrl) to redirect the customer to the payment page, as well as a UPO (userPaymentOptionId) for use in future transactions.

Example /payment Response


The request is processed and an “APPROVED” (or “DECLINED”) DMN is returned.

Example DMN with Status=PENDING
Example DMN with Status=APPROVED
Example DMN with Status=DECLINED