The server-side /openOrder API request does the following:

  • Authenticates your Nuvei merchant credentials.
  • Sets up the authenticated order in the Nuvei system, and returns a sessionToken, which is needed later for the Web SDK createPayment() method.

Send a server-side /openOrder API request with its mandatory parameters.

Input parameters:

  • checksum – This is a SHA-256 encrypted string that you create, that is used for request authentication. You can calculate it by performing a SHA-256 encryption on a string of the concatenation of these fields, in the following order:
    merchantId, merchantSiteId, clientRequestId, amount, currency, timeStamp and your secret key in the end.
  • country and email must be included later in the createPayment() request.
  • urlDetails.notificationUrl (optional) – The URL to which DMNs can be sent.
  • Press this /openOrder link for the full list of mandatory parameters.

Multiple input values for the same parameter:

  • Some parameters can be collected in both the /openOrder request and the createPayment() request.
  • When processing a createPayment() request, if there are multiple input values for the same parameter, then the system chooses a single parameter value depending on two factors:
    • The method used to collect the parameter value.
    • The JSON block the parameter belongs to.

    The following order of precedence is used to choose the single parameter value (from highest priority to lowest):

    1. The billingAddress block collected in the createPayment() request.
    2. The userDetails block collected in the createPayment() request.
  • Press this /openOrder link for the full list of mandatory parameters.
Example /openOrder Request
    "merchantId":"<your merchantId goes here>",
    "merchantSiteId":"<your merchantSiteId goes here>",
    "clientUniqueId":"<unique transaction ID in merchant system>",
    "clientRequestId":"<unique request ID in merchant system>",
    "checksum":"<calculated checksum>"
$safecharge = new \SafeCharge\Api\RestClient([
'environment' => \SafeCharge\Api\Environment::INT,
'merchantId' => '<your merchantId>',
'merchantSiteId' => '<your merchantSiteId>',
'merchantSecretKey' => '<your merchantSecretKey>',

$openOrderRequest = $SafeCharge->getPaymentService()->openOrder([
    'clientUniqueId'    => '<unique transaction ID in merchant system>',
    'clientRequestId'   => '<unique request ID in merchant system>',
    'currency'          => 'USD',
    'amount'            => '200',
public static void main(String[] args) {
// for initialization 
String merchantId = "<your merchantId>";
String merchantSiteId = "<your merchantSiteId>";
String merchantKey = "<your merchantKey>";
safecharge.initialize(merchantId, merchantSiteId, merchantKey, 
APIConstants.Environment.INTEGRATION_HOST.getUrl(), Constants.HashAlgorithm.SHA256);

//for openOrder
String clientUniqueId = "<unique transaction ID in merchant system>";
String clientRequestId = "<unique request ID in merchant system>";
String currency = "USD";
String amount = "200";

Safecharge safecharge = new Safecharge();
SafechargeResponse response = safecharge.openOrder(userTokenId, clientRequestId,
clientUniqueId, null, null, null, null, currency, amount, null, null, null, null, 
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
null, null, null, null, null, null);
var safecharge = new Safecharge(
"<your merchantKey>",
"<your merchantId>",
"<your merchantSiteId>",
"<your server host value>",
var response = safecharge.OpenOrder(
 clientUniqueId: "<unique transaction ID in merchant system>",
 clientRequestId: "<unique request ID in merchant system>",
const safecharge = require('safecharge');
safecharge.initiate(<merchantId>, <merchantSiteId>, <merchantSecretKey>, <env>);
    'clientUniqueId'   : '<unique transaction ID in merchant system>',
    'clientRequestId'  : '<unique request ID in merchant system>',
    'currency'         : 'USD',
    'amount'           : '200'
}, function (err, result) {
    console.log(err, result)
Example /openOrder Response
    "sessionToken": "9610a8f6-44cf-4c4f-976a-005da69a2a3b",
    "orderId": "39272",
    "merchantId": "427583496191624621",
    "merchantSiteId": "142033",
    "clientUniqueId": "12345",
    "clientRequestId": "1484759782197",
    "internalRequestId": 866,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "errCode": 0,
    "reason": "",
    "version": "1.0"

The /openOrder request must be performed on your backend server because the checksum calculation includes your secret key. To prevent front-end user manipulation, never perform the /openOrder request on the frontend, because your secret key should NOT be exposed on the client side.

You can use Postman to simulate the /openOrder workflow (using the “Server to Server with Web SDK” or the “Web SDK API calls” postman collections) in the Nuvei sandbox environment.

To install Postman and the relevant simulation collection, follow the steps in the Testing APIs with Postman topic.

POST is used for all Nuvei REST API methods that involve a transfer of data from client to server.